New coronavirus hotspot: The number of infected is rising, the morgues are filling up

The number of coronavirus infections in Peru is growing at a high rate this week, with 20.000 cases confirmed in that country, Reuters reports

Source: Tanjug
EPA-EFE/ Sergio Urday
EPA-EFE/ Sergio Urday

Millions of Peru's citizens have lost their jobs, and hospitals are struggling with poor working conditions and an increasing number of patients.

The morgues are full, the bodies of the deceased are kept in the corridors of hospitals, there is insufficient protective equipment and protests from dissatisfied and disturbed medical workers seeking more effective safety conditions for work.

Coca farmers face a price drop of 70 percent and plan to demand the government buy back surplus raw coca.

The Government of Peru, the 2nd world copper producer, has announced massive economic assistance to the mining sector and citizens of 90 billion Peruvian sol (about US $ 26.4 billion).


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