1. Horrific effects of Coronavirus:


    The reporter tries to talk Ukrainian, the infected people talk back in Russian, a clear side-effect of Coronavirus. The root cause of the virus is the topic and you can clearly see it.
    (Slomo, 7 May 2020 15:11)

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  2. Recent scientific research confirmed: the virus originated from Simferopol (Crimea) because it was occupied by Russians.

    (Jovanka, 7 May 2020 15:03)

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  3. Oh yes yes

    Batman spread the virus and after all Batman comes from the U.S
    And Priština was always Albanian too!!!
    Are we going to believe my propaganda?
    (Smart Serb, 4 May 2020 13:48)

    Tsk, tsk.

    (Ataman, 7 May 2020 14:41)

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  4. Bob,
    The little troll you are referring to is tripping over his own lies. It seems that he can’t keep straight what he said a few days ago, btw, I am only 8 years old.
    (Jarvis, 6 May 2020 14:57)

    You said it LOL. You are only 8 years old.
    (sj, 7 May 2020 08:25)

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  5. Bob,
    The little troll you are referring to is tripping over his own lies. It seems that he can’t keep straight what he said a few days ago, btw, I am only 8 years old.
    (Jarvis, 6 May 2020 14:57)

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  6. Give up.
    (Bob, 4 May 2020 23:05)

    What's a weak stretch? that the US intelligence services made stuff up? Throw enough mud and some of it sticks. That's how these people function.
    You are living in gaga land and watching too much US TV.
    (sj, 6 May 2020 10:18)

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  7. Sj

    That’s a weak stretch!

    Give up.
    (Bob, 4 May 2020 23:05)

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  8. Oh yes yes

    Batman spread the virus and after all Batman comes from the U.S
    And Priština was always Albanian too!!!
    Are we going to believe my propaganda?
    (Smart Serb, 4 May 2020 13:48)

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  9. Last report said US intelligence has concluded the virus was not man-made or genetically modified, but the Langley sleuths will continue to “rigorously examine emerging information...
    The latest claim is that that China hid the truth about the virus threat to hoard medical supplies.
    It gets better and better by day. If US “intelligence” was Pinocchio they would have a nose that would stretch from Washington DC to the moon.
    This is kiddy stuff. I think an 8 year old could come up with better material.
    (sj, 4 May 2020 11:33)

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  10. Maybe COVID 19 was sourced out to Chinese labs. The world working together to rid disease.
    (Concerned Albanian, 2 May 2020 03:56)
    Is that what they call us humans now? I wouldn't be surprised at all.
    (Peggy, 4 May 2020 06:21)

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  11. (Bob, 2 May 2020 14:59)

    The story that the virus came from a lab was started by the US intelligence community. Even Trump made veiled claims that it was made in a lab.

    ..”will continue to rigorously examine emerging information and intelligence to determine whether the outbreak began through contact with infected animals or if it was the result of an accident at a laboratory in Wuhan”.

    This means despite the US intelligence services discounting that it was made in a lab; they are not dropping the idea. Its only that the world does not believe them so they are backing off, for now.
    The US is an Empire and all Empires will do anything to try and stay on top. Look at how badly the US treats its people during this coronavirus period.
    (sj, 3 May 2020 11:39)

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  12. Yes Sami, sj hasn’t read the article. The knee-jerk response shows the level of anti-American bigotry and says nothing about the actual issue.

    The Chinese have acknowledged that their unhygienic ‘wet’ markets are a possible source, but have said that these markets were illegal.

    China is known to have strong ways of controlling its population, so I assume that China will police markets fully in future.
    (Bob, 2 May 2020 14:59)

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  13. Maybe COVID 19 was sourced out to Chinese labs. The world working together to rid disease.
    (Concerned Albanian, 2 May 2020 03:56)

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  14. You should be careful in such time. So many hoax are out there, and are making many victims, the article is very clear but all evidence show rumors spread through people sharing information based only in the title.
    (Sami, 1 May 2020 13:26)

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  15. Yes, the same oxymorons that detected weapons of mass destruction in Iraq are now detecting that the Coronavirus came from a lab in Wuhan, China. Alas, for the Langley idiots the world outside the US is not as stupid nor dumb downed as US citizens.
    I little advice for the US "intelligence community". Most important rule of all when crying wolf, use it sparingly otherwise it sticks out like a soar thumb. Create something original because this is getting so tiresome.
    (sj, 1 May 2020 08:40)

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  16. The CIA and China are bribed by evil Russia, the coronavirus was created in Russia artificially to make a world-wide crisis and drop the price of gas and oil. The lower the price of gas and oil, the more benefits for Russia.

    Russians eat bats and transmit the disease, Russia has by far the most COVID-19 deaths of any large country.
    (Vari Teneqen, 1 May 2020 03:10)

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