1. So despite the US, directly or indirectly, causing the death of millions throughout the world I need to sympathise with the Americans because Serbs decided to live there?
    If Sanders is Bernie Sanders then you have no idea what is going on.
    Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard etc are all trojan horses for the two-party system.
    (sj, 3 May 2020 11:56)

    1) Even if you happen to be from NKorea, the nurses are required to help you.
    If they don't or do it the way the "help" kills you because you maybe do not have enough money in certain U.S. states they could be put in electric chair.

    On the other hand even if you are American, the accounting of the hospital may send you a totally bogus invoice, with double and triple billing.

    Please blame the ones who are directly guilty, not the heroes who collapsed, unable to deal with the stress.

    2) I see a certain controversy. Once, you blame our political system that there aren't many choices and that it's rigged. This is correct. Than you blame everyone, including me and the Serbs living in the U.S. for the political crimes of the leadership.
    You are right with the first, but if that's the case, we, too, have very limited choices whom to vote. All we can do is to vote for the lesser evil.

    3) It is not hard to see who is a trojan horse: look for their voting record.
    (Ataman, 4 May 2020 17:42)

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  2. - Many Serbs and others, born outside of US live in the States and are de-facto "yanks".
    - Sanders is a "yank", too.
    - A single ill "yank" unwillingly can give a free "gift" infecting the entire exYU.
    (Ataman, 2 May 2020 22:39)

    So despite the US, directly or indirectly, causing the death of millions throughout the world I need to sympathise with the Americans because Serbs decided to live there? Just look at Syria; how much misery has the US brought on those people and yes it was Obama that armed the opposition including ISIS and started regime change not the Russians.
    If Sanders is Bernie Sanders then you have no idea what is going on.
    Bernie Sanders, Tulsi Gabbard etc are all trojan horses for the two-party system. They don’t want change; they were there to keep the system intact mate. Ross Perot did the same thing so that the Democratic Party did not fragment. Everyone thought he was a refreshing change – it was a hoax. Its not a case of one or two rotten apples in the barrel; all the apples are rotten.
    (sj, 3 May 2020 11:56)

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  3. Вечная память!

    The medical staff is under huge pressure and is totally exhausted.

    This is the picture from Moscow - it matches 100% what I did experience first-hand in France.


    You don't want to have it.
    (Ataman, 2 May 2020 22:49)

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  4. but we should feel empathy for yanks.
    (sj, 1 May 2020 08:53)

    - Many Serbs and others, born outside of US live in the States and are de-facto "yanks".
    - Sanders is a "yank", too.
    - A single ill "yank" unwillingly can give a free "gift" infecting the entire exYU.
    (Ataman, 2 May 2020 22:39)

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  5. So a few Americans cant cope and everyone should feel compassion for them, but what about the people who are subjected to US sanctions? Suffering in some instances for years. Do you recall the sanctions on Iraq where 500,000 children died and Madeline Albright declared that these sanction were worth all those deaths.
    What goes around comes around people. Buckle up Americans and stop whining.

    , but we should feel empathy for yanks.
    (sj, 1 May 2020 08:53)

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  6. That's just too bad, I really feel so sorry for the USA !!!
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 29 April 2020 21:37)

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