1. Just waffling and other US ass kissers......
    There is no evidence that the virus is Chinas fault. I have listened to, read and viewed many theories.
    Each theory has some truth and a lot of assumptions.
    America will of course blame China. However I ask in what way will China truly benefit from the virus?
    The Chinese economy is suffering the same as all others. That is a fact. As I suspected this pandemic will be a political weapon used by America and her poodles.
    Why dont some of you simpletons be open minded, follow the money trail. Investigate Bill Gates and other massive investors in the vaccines. They have invested billions in the past few years. Why??? Did they know something?
    My final point is this....
    China has been doing well over the past 10/15 years. Why would they collapse the worlds economy??
    But the US economy was heading downhill. So, who has the bigger motive to nosedive and rip it all up and start again with a clean slate????
    (View from the uk, 26 April 2020 19:48)

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  2. China is a pathetic country. They should be put on the same list as ISIS for killing people by spreading deadly viruses. They both are terrorists and live to cause others harm.
    Over 200,000 people are killed by this virus in a matter of months and China is responsible for all these deaths.
    (Just saying.., 26 April 2020 16:48)

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  3. To the dimwits posting all these anti Chinese comments let me suggest that China allows this inspection but the US also permits the prosecution of the US for the Spanish flu. Yes ladies and gents the Spanish Flu started in the State of Texas USA not Spain as the name suggests.
    (sj, 26 April 2020 07:36)

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  4. If China is not guilty of negligence then China should not oppose a internet team from performing a full and thorough investigation into how the pandemic originated!

    If China is guilty of negligence and is trying to cover up the pandemics origins, then yes China should oppose a international investigation into the matter!

    It’s that simple!
    (Peter The Rocky Mountains, 25 April 2020 23:42)

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  5. "China has rejected calls for conducting an independent international investigation into the origin of a novel coronavirus spread from that country worldwide."

    You're kidding, I am shocked. Haha
    (Thomas, 25 April 2020 15:42)

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  6. International Investigation - WHY and for WHAT ???

    God Bless China and Chinese People !!!
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 25 April 2020 15:27)

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  7. Nothing screams more guilty than blocking an investigation. The world doesn't even have to do an investigation anymore, we will just announce that China is guilty and they will be held responsible for thousands of death and the economic turmoil. Blocking an investigation = admitting you are guilty.
    (Time, 25 April 2020 15:17)

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  8. The Chinese Communist Party has a habit of control and suppression.

    Are the markets still cruel and unhygienic?

    I suspect yes. We will find out in time.

    Perhaps the Chinese government will eventually get around to educating itself.

    I find it sad but amusing whenever some western journalist has lots of Chinese ‘minders’ trying to block the way.

    The state shows its moral weakness when it suppresses the truth and hides behind lies, corruption and secrecy.
    (Bob, 25 April 2020 14:49)

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  9. No doubt if an investigation was done fairly and properly China would have no objections, but knowing how the US of Piss and Wind operates there is no surprise why Beijing refused.
    It would be weapons of mass destruction all over again.
    (sj, 25 April 2020 09:05)

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  10. China owes the World an explanation. They will pay a big price for this, people will boycott them and their products. It is better for them to cooperate with the World. I will never eat or buy any of their products if I can help it until they come clean with this.
    (Ari, 25 April 2020 06:59)

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