Kurti's police beat three Serbian youths near Zubin Potok

Three Serbian youths were beaten by members of the elite unit of the Kosovo Police FIT in Gornje Varage in the municipality of Zubin Potok, writes Kosovo Online

Source: Kosovo online
Foto: Tanjug/AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic
Foto: Tanjug/AP Photo/Bojan Slavkovic

According to information from the field, young men M.R., M.S., and M.J. were beaten, who were intercepted by FIT members on the local way home and brutally beaten with insults.

According to the beaten young men, FIT members accused them of illegally crossing the administrative crossing, after which they knocked them to the ground and beat them.


"Edi Rama, a weird man..."

Pristina politician Muharrem Nitaj pointed out the request of Rama for KFOR to take control of the north is the same as the request of the President of Serbia.

Politics Friday, September 29, 2023 09:15 Comments: 1
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