1. The only thing Serbian government has in excess is lies, lies and lies, if you follow their statements given in relation to the September 24, and onwards, one would clearly realize that them are not to be trusted.
    (Kosova, 1 October 2023 08:59)

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  2. Any
    Recent fake news reported by Vucic has been definitively disproven. Nice try, but no cigar!
    (Tonino Del Rai, 1 October 2023 08:58)

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  3. EA,
    Certainly no one "advocates for war".
    Did the British, defending their country, "advocate for war" when Nazi bombs fell on their beloved cities? Did most of Eastern Europe not try to defend themselves against being taken over by Soviet troops?
    There is quite a big difference between "advocating for war" and defending your people and country.
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 October 2023 08:38)

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  4. Who is behaving badly?
    In the 90's it clearly was the U.S. under criminal Clinton, who directly aided Croatia. Even his corrupt wife, Hillary was involved.
    Noble leaders, like the great Colin Powell, even spoke in defense of Serb interests. He was not alone. Most voices of truth came the political opposition, including thousands of U.S.citizens and not only those of Serb descent.
    These are very perilous times around the world, with too many hands on the triggers of war weapons.
    Every individual and nation deserves to defend themselves.
    So who is behaving badly?
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 October 2023 08:14)

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  5. Shouldn't we all Serbs and Albanians praise the Kosovo Police. Peace is better than war...I think. Who advocates the war will be burnt in this life and life after death.
    (EA, 30 September 2023 20:37) # Comment link

    Don’t lump the Serbs in praising a terrorist police force made up of remnants of the KLA . Naming an airport after KLA terrorist Adem Jasheri tells you all you need to know about this rogue US protectorate.
    (Jugoslavija, 1 October 2023 05:13)

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  6. Vucic operates exactly like a Godfather of mafia family. Can’t believe how the Serbian people can’t free themselves from this corrupt regimes
    (From Macedonia, 30 September 2023 22:53)

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  7. Today 30th of September 2023, the Kosovo police found a quantity of weapons, ammunition and other military equipment in the area of ​​Zveçan, near the village of Brezne.

    It is known that the weapons were found as part of the investigations following the events that took place in the village of Banjské about a week ago.

    "The items found and seized were identified according to what was found in the field, which are as follows: bulletproof vest, magazine with 30 rounds, hat and gloves, green mask, other mask, bulletproof vest with three magazines and 90 rounds, bag and small for belt, uniform top, bullet proof 3 magazines and 85 rounds, long gun with 5 magazines of 30 rounds, one belt, two magazines of 30 rounds, long gun and two pistol magazines of 15 cartridges, black breastplate with 5 magazines of 30 rounds and a hand grenade, long gun with five magazines of 30 rounds, long gun with five magazines of 30 rounds, long gun with one magazine of 30 rounds, weapon long with a magazine with 30 rounds, motorcycle radio link, boots, military-colored hat, a bulletproof vest with a magazine and 30 rounds, a magazine, radio link, rain jacket, a pack of cigarettes," says the announcement of the Kosovo police.

    Shouldn't we all Serbs and Albanians praise the Kosovo Police. Peace is better than war...I think. Who advocates the war will be burnt in this life and life after death.
    (EA, 30 September 2023 20:37)

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  8. Serbian games

    Belgrade incites violence in Kosovo and claims to be innocent before the EU. In reality, it is about controlling the territory.

    By Michael Martens

    When Yugoslavia dissolved in blood 30 years ago, Serbia played a cynical game: as troops funded by Belgrade and sent into battle looted, killed and occupied Croatia, and later Bosnia, Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic presented himself as innocent. He claimed that his country had nothing to do with him, that it was about conflicts between local Serbs and neighboring countries. This was a lie and yet hardly anyone in the West raised their voice against it. People preferred to see Milosevic as a negotiating partner. Putin successfully copied Milosevic's system in Crimea in 2014. His "little men in green" were Russian military special forces with no nationality insignia on their uniforms. Officially, the Kremlin claimed that it knew nothing about it. Today, when the lie is no longer necessary, Moscow boasts of the special operation for the occupation of Crimea at that time. Yesterday's lie has become today's exploitation...
    (EA, 30 September 2023 12:54)

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  9. "Our country has evidence, we will prosecute cold-blooded killers, we have statements and photos that confirm it," said Vučić.

    Vucic again is trying to divert the focus on the main issue, the terrorist attack in northern Kosovo which believe if Vucic himself was not aware or being stupid in non controlling people below him. Vulin for example, 99.9 % fully aware...Ivica Dadic 99.9 % fully aware... Vucic is trying to mitigate the stupidity of the terrorists and its sponsors by choosing to counter attack using the killing of his terrorists cold blooded. Check the problem with your own people. Although it is not my concern at all, the damage done to Serbia is huge and I believe unreparable as Vucic choose to mourne his terrorists.
    (EA, 30 September 2023 11:58)

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  10. Vucic is only trying to change the subject. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar. Nothing could have happened in Serbia without his knowledge.
    (of mice and men, 30 September 2023 00:23)

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  11. Who is he lying now? The mafia state of serbia won’t have room in their jails for all this criminals
    (Who, 29 September 2023 23:26)

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  12. Sure Vucic Serbia and "Srpska" are full of them about time.
    (Destiny, 29 September 2023 23:18)

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  13. "You are a big country, a superpower, it's yours to do what you think you have to, I'm completely against that and I think it's very bad, but there are things we have to stick to, and that's first and foremost the truth," Vucic said.

    Vucic and his policies are the real problem for the peace and stability in the region. He is playing what is called the brinkmanship like his master Slobodan Miloshevic. He is never intetested in real peace with Albanians and let me tell you why. He won't recognise formally Kosovo independece although Serbia lost the war it started. He works for a disfunctional Kosovo when talking about CSM and ultimately he and his fellas are sponsoring the terrorism. Serbia still has not imposed any sanctions against Russian Federation....
    (EA, 29 September 2023 21:41)

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