1. More bullshit from EA with his most professional bit.
    (Sj, 3 October 2023 13:08)

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  2. What do you expect from Albos and Croats. Two rather moronic people. Hey what happened to all that training given to the goat herders by the west. You can't teach an old dog new tricks and goat herders are just goat herders.
    (Sj, 3 October 2023 13:07)

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  3. With the recent invention of mobile phone cameras, I'm surprised no pics are forthcoming.
    (Concerned Albanian, 3 October 2023 04:00)

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  4. Ya right Betsy if it was America shoot first ask questions later.
    You can crawl back under your rock.
    With Serbs and Americans never dull moments.😝
    (Lenard, 1 October 2023 18:53)

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  5. Betsy Lalich......
    "Whoever is resposible for creating this monster Kosova".....???
    Really Betsy....??
    Not exactly a secret is it.....
    It was your America and nato poodles.
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 1 October 2023 15:03)

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  6. Definitely they were cocky and didn't abide to police request.
    (Kosovar, 1 October 2023 08:53)

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  7. According to information from the field, young men M.R., M.S., and M.J. were beaten, who were intercepted by FIT members on the local way home and brutally beaten with insults.

    According to the beaten young men, FIT members accused them of illegally crossing the administrative crossing, after which they knocked them to the ground and beat them.

    I don't take this "news" seriously. Whoever is serving it as a news is just looking for excuses...Kosovo Police is the most professional police in the region...
    (EA, 1 October 2023 08:42)

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  8. If this continues and those responsible for creating this monster called "Kosova" do nothing, someone will.
    And that could mean outright war.
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 October 2023 08:25)

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