1. If it is true that representatives from "Kosova" behaved this way, there cannot be peace nor any recognition of their right to be independent from Serbia.
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 October 2023 10:23)

    # Comment link

  2. "The Serbian people who still some how trying to survive in kosova have no life because they are treated worse than prisoners in a jail. Serbs in albo siptar kosova have NO rights and their lives have no value other that how much their human vital organs can sell for on the worlds human organ market. So as we all can see NOBODY will lift a finger to protect the rights of Serbian people in kosova, Srbija will be bombed by SATAN usa if they send in the military and even if SATAN usa does not bomb Srbija the Serbian military will be met by full forces of SATAN usa and nazi roman catholic empire who will defend albo siptars in kosova.
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 29 September 2023 12:31)

    You keep on lying...but no one takes you seriously. How can someone take a person seriously with a disfunctional brain, with prejudice and full of hate?
    (EA, 1 October 2023 09:02)

    # Comment link

  3. "I am informing all the persecutors of the Serbian people from (Prime Minister of Kosovo Albin) Kurti and his many foreign assistants, that I have personally made all the logistical preparations for the protection of our people against the invaders and this act of mine it has no other character or purpose, and it has nothing to do with my past", says the statement, in which it is emphasized that Milan Radoicic has not informed anyone of the Serbian government structures or the local political structures in the north of Kosovo. , and did not even accept "any help" from them.

    He is trying to save Serbia...its reputation as sponsor of terrorism. In exchange he will not be spending much time in prison, as soon as the waters come down, he will released and given a different name.
    (EA, 29 September 2023 15:49)

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  4. If you notice NOBODY in the nazi suck ass international community is saying any thing regarding albo siptar repression of Serbian people in the new democratic republic of kosova ? The Serbian people who still some how trying to survive in kosova have no life because they are treated worse than prisoners in a jail. Serbs in albo siptar kosova have NO rights and their lives have no value other that how much their human vital organs can sell for on the worlds human organ market. So as we all can see NOBODY will lift a finger to protect the rights of Serbian people in kosova, Srbija will be bombed by SATAN usa if they send in the military and even if SATAN usa does not bomb Srbija the Serbian military will be met by full forces of SATAN usa and nazi roman catholic empire who will defend albo siptars in kosova.
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 29 September 2023 12:31)

    # Comment link

  5. "Today, on 29.09.2023, the Kosovo Police is implementing the order of the competent court for checks, in five locations in three municipalities in the north of Kosovo. These operations are being carried out in connection with the recent events in the village of Banjské. The police operation is ongoing by the relevant units of the Kosovo Police, with the presence of the Prosecutor (of the PSRK) at the scene. On this occasion, the Kosovo Police informs citizens that they do not need to worry. These control orders are being implemented in coordination with EULEX and KFOR", the announcement states.

    You call this intimidation? Criminals must feel intimidated...
    (EA, 29 September 2023 12:14)

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  6. "Around a hundred of the most serious patients are in a particularly severe state of shock, who witnessed this brutal and unannounced action, as well as the children of the high school of...

    That is propaganda and playing the victim. It is an well known Serbian strategy...

    The Serbian armed group made Serbia itself a huge harm...

    Now it is the time for Kosovo government to clean the northern Kosovo from illegal arms and illegality.
    (EA, 29 September 2023 12:03)

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