"The opposition praised Albin Kurti" VIDEO

Journalist Ljiljana Smajlović spoke about the fact that the opposition in Serbia praised Albin Kurti, "Alo.rs" writes.

Source: Alo.rs
Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages
Photo: Milos Tesic/ATAImages

In her address, she reminded that the opposition praised the self-proclaimed Prime Minister Albin Kurti and on that occasion pointed out "what kind of man Serbia is dealing with".

"It is fair to say at this moment, when we are already talking about reconciliation, that of all the KLA commanders, we had the worst experience with Kurti, who was hailed here as "a breath of fresh air, a new generation of politicians, the most principled politician with whom we can start new relations because he doesn't have blood on his hands..."? He, a man who was the spokesperson for a much more radical leader than Rugova and probably Thaci!", Ljiljana Smajlović pointed out.


"Edi Rama, a weird man..."

Pristina politician Muharrem Nitaj pointed out the request of Rama for KFOR to take control of the north is the same as the request of the President of Serbia.

Politics Friday, September 29, 2023 09:15 Comments: 1
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