Prime Minister of Serbia: People will start dying from the plague and cholera VIDEO

Prime Minister of Serbia stated for TV Prva that the focus of today's session of the Crisis Staff is the start of the school year.

Source: B92, Prva
Foto: TV Prva
Foto: TV Prva

"The session will focus on the beginning of the school year. That is why we invited representatives of the teachers' union, the president of the high school forum and the president of the pediatricians' association to the session, who will address the public later," Prime Minister said.

"The proposal is to start normally, with a full fund of 45-minute classes with mandatory masks, and to appeal to all educators to be vaccinated, if they are not, or if they are, to go to the third booster dose, as well as to vaccinate children older than 12", said Brnabić.

Asked how is it possible that with almost 2.000 newly infected people school should start, while last year we sent children with a much smaller number of infected on the online or combined system, she said that it is clear - we must learn to live with this virus.

"We now have the best weapon against that virus, and that is vaccination, and we can now talk further about how to stimulate people," she said. She also pointed out that there are not enough vaccinated people, but in the last week it has been slowly accelerating, she added and says that an important factor now in the fight against coronavirus is the fact that we have COVID hospitals.

Answering the question whether medical workers can be forced to be vaccinated, considering that 34% of them have not been vaccinated, the Prime Minister says that this will also be discussed at the session of the Crisis Staff today.

Personally, I am in favor of vaccination being mandatory, she answered and stated that those 34 percent of unvaccinated medical workers are a huge number.

"If you ask me, 100 percent of them must be vaccinated. The special responsibility lies with them, the Minister of Health has done a lot in that regard, so that medical workers can be vaccinated. A mandatory test has been introduced for those who have not been vaccinated to go to work. But, whether everyone can be forced to be vaccinated is a legal issue and additional consultations with the legal team are needed to see if that is possible", Brnabic said.

She pointed out that the arguments of those who do not want to be vaccinated, according to her, are in the sphere of the paranormal.

"Whatever you do in life, you buy real estate, you turn to an expert about it, how come you don't trust doctors," the Prime Minister asked.

The problem is the vaccination of young people, and when asked how she intends to force them - with vouchers, COVID passes, she says that it is not that simple.

I can't say at this point if it will be mandatory. All the stories about it distract us from the civilizational question. There will be some other diseases and vaccines. What will happen then, she wondered. "People will start dying from plague and cholera…"


"3.000 infected this week"

The fight against the delta strain of coronavirus is extremely cruel, said the State Secretary in the Ministry of Health, Dr Mirsad Djerlek.

Society Tuesday, August 31, 2021 14:09 Comments: 3
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