"I bear personal responsibility decisively, so do you, I hope you're aware of that"

Epidemiologist Dr Predrag Kon spoke again via his Facebook profile this time, among other things, about personal responsibility.

Source: B92

He addressed the members of the association "United against COVID", to whom he said that they should continue with the criticism, and that the time for reconsideration of responsibility is yet to come.

"As for my personal responsibility, I bear it unwaveringly and I am ready to answer all the questions after the end of the epidemic. What we are experiencing presents a historical struggle to save the lives of the population of Serbia. Many of you are taking part in that struggle and I listen to you with respect. Unfortunately, there are some political games going on, including some criticisms that I reject. It should be understood that you also bear a huge responsibility at this time and I hope that you are fully aware of that, that you will accept it and bear it when the time for revision comes", Kon wrote.

Poštovane kolege iz "Udruženi protiv kovid", sva Vaša pitanja su korisna (čak i ona maliciozna) i smatram da treba da...

Posted by Predrag Kon on Wednesday, December 2, 2020


Today 3.236 newly infected, 44 people died

According to the latest data, 3.236 new cases were recorded today, out of 14.444 tested for coronavirus. 44 people died.

Society Wednesday, December 30, 2020 16:05 Comments: 0
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