Vučić: "The movement is important. I'm only interested in Serbia, that we save KiM"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, said that there are many important issues ahead of us, many difficult challenges, but also many good things.

Source: B92

"From Monday, I will start consultations in accordance with the Constitution. During the next week, I will talk with those who want to talk, there will be those who will not. I will consult with everyone who wants to talk, and after that, I will appoint the mandate holders," Vucic said.

"As for objections, I think that is the smallest objection, I think it is pointless. Regardless of whether I am the holder of a list or not. The electoral roll is something that is available to everyone. Any person can check whether he is registered or not. The electoral roll is always an excuse for some people who don't want to know enough, who pretend not to know, and use it as an excuse for their own failures," Vučić told RTS.

President of Serbia pointed out that there will be no reduction in tensions in society as long as you have media that focus all their activity against political opponents.

"As far as I'm concerned, I'm ready to talk and do everything possible to reduce those tensions and to discuss all the key issues, but those key issues cannot be 'we want power without elections because we think that we should form the government regardless of the results,'" said Vučić.

President of Serbia pointed out that there are many important issues ahead of us, many difficult challenges, but also many good things.

"I am sure that we will have a large majority, but it would be good if a certain number of them join in with their criticism, good criticism, based on evidence, from the opposition is a great contribution," said Vučić.

When it comes to the Resolution of the European Parliament, Vučić stated that at the beginning of it, it is stated that he "abused his position" by calling the elections, and he reminds that the elections were called at the express request of the opposition parties.

About the elections

Vučić announced that, if there is no legitimate majority, we will have new elections in Belgrade.

"We have a legal majority of 56 or 57 councilors, and we need 56," Vučić told RTS. President of Serbia pointed out that the former mayor of the capital, Dragan Djilas, ruled Belgrade with the Socialists, even though he had no legitimacy. As he pointed out, it is obvious that there is no "green light" from Dr. Branimir Nestorović and his list. President of Serbia pointed out that he is the creator of the People's Movement for the State.

"What is Serbia going to do about it? Artificial intelligence is coming... What are we going to do about all these issues? The movement must be something that must understand that the protection of state and national interests is of vital importance for our country, a movement in which everyone who wants can join. I'm only interested in Serbia," said Vučić and added: "To save the country, not to give in on the issue of Kosovo and Metohija, above all on the issue of joining the EU...".

President of Serbia pointed out that People's Movement for the State is important and that he must understand well what the practical interests of our country are. "Let us fight for the country every day, to gain the most we can and to lose the least we have to," said Vučić.

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, spoke about the criticism and threats that were directed at his family on a daily basis.

About sanctions against Russia ​

Vučić stated that he is not beating his chest and that Serbia has condemned, as he says, "the attack on Ukraine".

"For two years, we are the only ones in Europe who have such an attitude. Did I tell Russia yesterday that I swear to them? I didn't. They asked me, I said 'I don't know', but my 'I don't know' means more than from great friends 'firmly yes". I have proven it by my actions. I cannot guarantee to another country how I will behave, because I am guided by the interests of my country. But I have proved in these two years that we can be more persistent than all those who said "yes, yes, yes" and that shows what kind of stable and independent politics Serbia is leading. This madness is going in a much more difficult direction everywhere in the world. I see victory euphoria now in Russia. I would like to see it less. I see the reaction, and all the defense mechanisms, rising in the West and becoming more and more fierce and dangerous. I hope it will not end in even greater tragedies. And it seems to me that I was right when I said two years ago in which direction it would go. And where Serbia is going to be, it will act in accordance with its interests," said Vučić.

Vučić stated that he had a 40-minute telephone conversation with Charles Michel, and pointed out that the conversation was open.

"We talk about everything, a very useful conversation about Serbia, the growth agenda, of course and Kosovo and Metohija, of course also Banjska. I say 'I'm to blame', to explain what happened when it's simply not worth it. I will always be on the side of the Serbs who are exiled, is it my fault? It's my fault. I know who's looking for whose fault. I'm not fooling around and pretending to be naive, no problem, hit where it's due, no matter what, I love what our guys did. It wasn't violence, they were expelled from their hearths... I think that Europe must look at its strategic interests and offer something to Serbia. This is a good chance for us, whether we will be a member of the EU in 3 or 4 years, we will not, but can we get a green light, we can do all that and it all means a better standard of living in Serbia, a better life for our pensioners," said Vučić and added:

"We have to protect our hearths and our land in accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Serbia".

"It's their child. No matter how angry they are with him, they will caress him so that 'the child sleeps well in the cradle,'" he said, talking about the situation in KiM and Albin Kurti. He points out that Serbia will not recognize the fake state of Kosovo. "The six of them were across the street from me in Brussels. I told them, "Everything we said we would fulfill, we cannot fulfill that which is contrary to the Constitution of Serbia, what I also said in the National Assembly, we have never lied to anyone, and that is: we cannot fulfill the territorial integrity of Kosovo, the membership of the United Nations and the agencies, institutions and organizations of the UN". Through these discussions we are having here, the problem is that we are harming ourselves and our country and giving Kurti "ammunition", and that is what we are doing all the time, but what am I going to do here, when there is a greater desire and need for everyone to harm Serbia, at least by bringing something bad to Serbia to harm Aleksandar Vučić at least a little because that is a more important goal than doing something good for our country," he said.

Vučić said that "this is a historic opportunity for us to make a result that we have never had, to push through these 4 years".

He asked the people who will be in power to do their job and not "to waste energy on nonsense and rumors that are almost always untrue".

"There are not easy times ahead of us, but I myself will have three more years of energy, as long as my mandate lasts, to fight with all my heart for you and for our Serbia," Vučić pointed out.


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