1. EA.....
    To finish my point is it not true that America/nato never respect their signed agreements???
    For example.....
    Did not the Americans promise to Russia that nato will "not expand an inch to the east"..???
    Did not Angela Merkle say that the west was only buying time to arm and train Ukraine for war with Russia..??
    Where is respect for UN charter...ie, UN1244..???
    Did not the US lie to the world about WMDs in Iraq..??
    Why wont your sponsors push you to repect the Brussells agreement which you signed..??
    Much more I could point out but you get the point.
    The thing is, nobody can trust the word of the Americans. They are the worlds bully. But the world is changing fast and you cant or refuse to see it. But thats your problem.
    Oh, and yes indeed we will come and help you pack to go back home to Albania. Its coming and you know it.
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 22 February 2024 21:16)

    # Comment link

  2. EA......
    You talk of myths. Is it a myth that many nations revoked their recognition of Kosovo..??
    Is it a myth that Kosovo is not recognised by the UN...??
    Is it a myth that you albos started the conflict in K&M by shooting and ambushing Serbian people and police as eary as 1991/2....??
    Is it a myth that Russia is winning, and will win in Ukraine.??
    Is it a myth that your protectors are now over $34 trillion in debt.?
    Is it a myth that the yanks lost and walked away from Vietnam and recently Afghanistan..??
    How about Syria? Did your "democratic" America manage to remove Assad from power..??
    Is it a myth that Serbia has seen countless billions of foreign investment..?? How much in Kosovo.?

    You see EA, you never answer questiins. You just insult. Its a sure sign that you have no real argument. You are a pathetic comedian who dont live in the real world. You dont want to see reality because its not great for you narco thieves.
    And yes, Serbia will regain full control of its lands sooner or later. Enjoy poverty down in Kosovo.
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 22 February 2024 20:56)

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  3. You know very well that the day will come when we come to Kosovo to help you pack for your journey home to Albania......
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 21 February 2024 12:49)

    How is Serbia going to do that? Fighting online with the Russians most sophisticated weapons?

    You are a real joke and obsessed with anti West views. Following you logic...Why you and Russia loving regime go and live in Russia. So can can create more myths and please each other...😀
    (EA, 21 February 2024 18:53)

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  4. EA....
    You sure are short of brain cells.
    Kosovo is NOT a country. Its not recognised by more than half the UN member states. You albos are trying to steal Serbian land and want Belgrade to recognise you.....
    Never going to happen, no matter what. You can bark on about Russia, China, Serbia, bla, bla, bla.
    Facts are that Serbia is going places with many billions of foreign investments, jobs created, hundreds of kms of new motorways and roads, new fast railways, etc.
    Serbia has powerful friends (regardless of you hating that) and there is nothing you can do about it. Your masters are in decline with over $34 trillion debt (and rising fast). The world is changing and BRICS has overtaken the G7.
    America will retreat in the coming years, like Afghanistan. Trump has threatened that they will run nato differently. This is why you bark your frustration on this site. You know things are turning against thieving albos. You know very well that the day will come when we come to Kosovo to help you pack for your journey home to Albania......
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 21 February 2024 12:49)

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  5. "..we cannot fulfill that which is contrary to the Constitution of Serbia, what I also said in the National Assembly, we have never lied to anyone, and that is: we cannot fulfill the territorial integrity of Kosovo, the membership of the United Nations and the agencies, institutions and organizations of the UN".

    So why should Kurti set up the Association...?

    EU should not waste the energy with Vucic....his heart and mind is with Russia. Let him and Serbia where it belongs....

    EU should also sort itself out by reforming itself the way how decisions are made ie not allowing its weakest links to block others...Kosovo in NATO and EU and Serbia with Russian Federation, China, North Korea. So simple.
    (EA, 21 February 2024 08:46)

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