Syria - a new Rwanda?

Syria is both human catastrophe and political stalemate. Until governments do what they should, it needs more humanitarian relief

Timothy Garton Ash Source:
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  1. If a student in Professor Ash’s class wrote this as an essay that individual would get a zero from the good professor because of its poor content and ill conceived idea. I am truly amazed that Ash who writes this drivel is still a professor at Oxford.
    To compare Syria with Rwanda is banal to say the least. Rwanda is the best example of a modern genocide, where one group went to exterminate another. This is genocide and not what the international group of drunkards declared happened in Bosnia in the 1990s.
    Assad is on the verge of taking all the territory he needs and he has the capacity to hold onto those areas thus leaving the wilderness to the rebels. If you doubt that then look at his concession to have the UN secure his stockpile of chemical weapons.
    Let’s look at who the west supports – radical Islamists from Al-Qaida groups to Taliban with a few people at the top not connected to these groups to give it “some” legitimacy. Then look at Assad – a secular government backed by non radical Muslims and Christians.
    Now look at the record held by the west – Afghanistan –Failure; Iraq – Failure; Libya – Failure; Tunisia – Failure; Egypt – Failure.
    ‘Something must be done!’ Well professor buy a gun and join the rebels because military intervention means that the Russians will give Assad all the modern weapons to defeat such an invasion.
    Yes, all these refugees is tragedy but it’s the west that created it and not Assad.
    (sj, 2 August 2013 01:23)

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