1. (Larry B. Wise, 29 July 2013 13:41)

    Ahh Larry, you must be on e of the three stooges. What a statement “The top 1 % of Americans have more than that amount” is classic to say the least. You poor dumb bastard so you think for a moment that the top 1% of wealthy Americans are going to pay this debt off? They didn’t t get rich pay your debts off they got so rich by creating debt and letting slobs like you pay them off.
    Here is some advice for you – its private enterprise that gets the gas and sells it to like you not the government. Think about it for awhile, but if your head starts hurting stop thin king.
    With a breath taking statement like the ones you have made you must be working in the US Treasury.
    (sj, 4 August 2013 09:51)

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  2. "Your basic lack of understanding of the U.S. ECONOMY bogles the mind. $17.5 trillion is a drop in the bucket for the U.S. The top 1 % of Americans have more than that amount. That amount of debt could be paid off in a matter of months if the U.S. wished. The value of their natural gas deposits alone far exceeds their national debt. Start reading something other than what your Malaysian "expert" economist feeds you.
    (Larry B. Wise, 29 July 2013 13:41) "

    (lowe, 1 August 2013 22:52)

    # Comment link

  3. sj,

    Apparently, no one seems to care what you think, based on the lack of response to your idiotic blathering.

    Your basic lack of understanding of the U.S. ECONOMY bogles the mind. $17.5 trillion is a drop in the bucket for the U.S. The top 1 % of Americans have more than that amount. That amount of debt could be paid off in a matter of months if the U.S. wished. The value of their natural gas deposits alone far exceeds their national debt. Start reading something other than what your Malaysian "expert" economist feeds you.
    (Larry B. Wise, 29 July 2013 13:41)

    # Comment link

  4. I have not seen one of their predictions come to fruition so I don’t know what they are talking about when they trumpet their long range forecasting about China.
    Since the New York Times, Barron's and Goldman Sachs are so wise why didn’t they predict the GFC of 2008?
    These articles that Stradfor quotes are only feel good stories for Americans to divert their attention from the pitiful state of affairs their captains of industry and political leaders have brought them to. The US is now $17.5 trillion in debt and rising to $18 trillion by December and yet the US can sustain all of this, but how? Well they have freedom and democracy protecting them. I noticed that Detroit is no longer bankrupt as a federal judge declared that the officials who wanted to lodge bankruptcy papers were not permitted under law. Well that’s one way of sweeping the problem under the carpet. Why doesn’t Stradfor do a long and truthful piece on the US troubles?
    Strathfor pushes Japan as being the next a big wheel in the region. Well we saw just how big they really are. China and Japan had a dispute over a few islands and as part of China’s strategy its people boycotted Japanese goods. Ask the Japanese how strong they were when profits plummeted drastically. One more point this article has forgotten to mention that the Chinese Government has encouraged it people to buy locally and they are doing just that which would then make them completely un reliant on outside economies.
    (sj, 24 July 2013 11:14)

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