Next phase of Arab Spring

The Arab Spring was an exercise in irony, nowhere more so than in Egypt. On the surface, it appeared to be the Arab equivalent of 1989 in Eastern Europe. There, the Soviet occupation suppressed a broad, if not universal desire for constitutional democracy modeled on Western Europe. The year 1989 shaped a generation's thinking in the West, and when they saw the crowds in the Arab streets, they assumed that they were seeing Eastern Europe once again.

Source: Stratfor
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  1. From your saying : "But the real issue in Egypt has always been something else." I will say this. Egypt people leve along Nile so OVERPOPULATED that they are running our of drinking water and other life necessities. Overpopulation has been the curse in many regions of the globe, and no-one talks about that ! Albanians in Kosovo have "outbread" all other ethnic groups. So, start talking about OVERUSE of nature by humans ! A couple of months ago there was a "POST GROWTH" conference in Montreal , during which known Ecology - Economists where suggesting that the unsustainable GROWTH economy must be replaced with a Steady State Economy , if the next generations will have anything left to live on.
    All conflicts around the Earth are caused by a frantic race to take control of the remaining Natural Resources - so that the profiteers can continue to thrive bly killing people and destroying the nature.
    … So much for now, and I would like otheres to express theri thoughts on this concept. D. Kustudic
    (Dusan Kustudic, 17 September 2013 02:55)

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