For American foreign policy, no good options

One feels sympathy for U.S. President Barack Obama. Whatever he does in Syria, he is doomed. Had he intervened a year ago, as many pundits demanded, he might presently be in the midst of a quagmire with even more pundits angry at him, and with his approval ratings far lower than they are. If he intervenes now, the results might be even worse.

Robert D. Kaplan Source:
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  1. This is laughable.

    "In such a climate, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton ranks as the model diplomat. She often practiced activity for activity's sake, circling the globe nonstop before adoring cameramen while having no real diplomatic accomplishment to her credit, despite a refreshing tendency to speak boldly on occasion. The media approved of her because she was, well, a celebrity."

    She did travel...
    She traveled almost million miles during her time on this job ( 956,733 miles - 39 times around the world). She visited 112 countries, and not a single accomplishment worth mentioning!!

    Article isn't so interesting otherwise. We all know - US has a right to protect its interests everywhere! For example in Chile. Even if it's against Chilean interest and involves removing and killing elected president of Chile.
    This is more a lament over a fact that American chaos and misery creating ability is somewhat reduced.
    (Sreten, 15 May 2013 18:25)

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  2. Kaplan is member of the IDF (Israeli army)
    When the wall fell, he "happened to be in Kosovo. . . . The future was in Kosovo, I told myself that night, not in Berlin."
    "In addition to his journalism, Kaplan has been a consultant to the U.S. Army's Special Forces, the United States Marines, and the United States Air Force. He has lectured at military war colleges, the FBI, the National Security Agency, the Pentagon's Joint Chiefs of Staff, major universities, the CIA, and business forums, and has appeared on PBS, NPR, C-SPAN, and Fox News. He is a senior fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute. In 2001, he briefed President Bush. ..."
    The kind of guy I would label a "foreign agent"...
    (Joachim, 10 May 2013 21:18)

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