Beyond the post-Cold War world

An era ended when the Soviet Union collapsed on Dec. 31, 1991. The confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union defined the Cold War period. The collapse of Europe framed that confrontation.

George Friedman Source:
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  1. “You guys have no idea how much fun it is to wind you guys up and watch you spin around. It is truly funny.

    Hope all works out for each of you. You are all obviously intelligent and enthusiastic about each of your beliefs. I hope you and your families are doing well. Me and mine are doing well.

    By the way, I live in the Balkans and have for about 14 years. I truly enjoy the being with the people of the Balkans. Hopefully there will be a bright and wonderful future for all here. Everyone certainly deserves it.
    (Another America, 8 April 2013 11:10)”

    The only thing on this thread that is doing any spinning (out of control, that is) is your mind – seems to be spinning inside a maze of its own making that it can’t get out from. As I recommended to you already, you should consult a shrink. And bring that kid (real or imagined) along with you too. And pity those in the Balkans who have to put up with you.
    (lowe, 8 April 2013 12:22)

    # Comment link

  2. You guys have no idea how much fun it is to wind you guys up and watch you spin around. It is truly funny.

    Hope all works out for each of you. You are all obviously intelligent and enthusiastic about each of your beliefs. I hope you and your families are doing well. Me and mine are doing well.

    By the way, I live in the Balkans and have for about 14 years. I truly enjoy the being with the people of the Balkans. Hopefully there will be a bright and wonderful future for all here. Everyone certainly deserves it.
    (Another America, 8 April 2013 11:10)

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  3. More drivel from my favourite propagandist who passes himself of as serious analyst.

    He is a list of the US climb back to the top:

    Kosovo – Failure

    Iraq – Failure

    Afghanistan – Failure

    Libya – Failure

    Syria – Failure

    North Korea – Watch the US back down; why they even stopped testing missiles in the US to try and reduce tensions.

    Yes, the United States of Piss and Wind has to lodge another loan application with Bejing before starting another war. And yes the US will be back on top in ten years (heard that one before?) LOL, LOL.

    For the completely deluded, the US is now so far in debt that it will take 5 to 6 generations to bring it under control. Its not just the Federal Government that is in serious trouble, but the States with only four weeks ago Detroit announced it was broke – this is only the tip of a huge iceberg.
    (sj, 8 April 2013 00:34)

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  4. "The kids are bouncing around so I misread your comment. I generally pay for my own dinners with cash. But credit cards are nice to have from time to time. Maybe when you grow up you will have a good enough credit reference to have one. By the way, this is fun. You're disparaging a country you have never been to or met anyone from. Are you still on spring break or are you back in class next week like my 9 year old?
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 16:15)"

    What a feeble excuse to blame children for your own incompetence in reading! That you find it "fun" to read disparaging remarks about your country only goes to raise questions about your mental state. I would suggest you see a shrink, and yes, have your credit card ready.

    And why should I be interested in what your 9 year old does in school? Being presumptuous again here, are you? Actually I really couldn't care less what your kid does, as long as he/she doesn't come here to make a nuisance of himself/herself. If he/she is as presumptuous and mentally questionable as his/her parent, all the more he/she should stay away!
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 22:49)

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  5. "You didn't answer the question. You don't want to tell what country you live in? Why wouldn't you want to tell anyone that?
    (Another American, 6 April 2013 19:27)"

    I was born in america and have lived here all of my life. You are the one who needs to leave your basement and get a job. america used to be a great, truly inspirational nation. Today, it is the biggest, deadbeat tool in the world with a sovereign debt of 16 trillion dollars and a thoroughly corrupted political system. The only reason why I stay in america is because I have already invested 30 years in its stupid retirement system and I want the largest fraction of my money back. The only reason why I don't pack and move to Canada is because I can't tolerate the cold climate. What can you say about a military power like the us when 1/4 of its citizens is obese and 1/6 of its citizens is hungry? None of this had to happen - the sole cause was stupid, greedy, arrogant americans. This is why the world should have no pity when america collapses like all empires before.
    (JohnBoy, 7 April 2013 21:36)

    # Comment link

  6. "What's the obsession about credit cards? Do you not know how they work? I in fact have several and they all have ZERO balance. I pay them off each month. Your Mom can explain about interest to you if you need. Also, I drive myself. Why would I need a driver? I know your Mom drives you to soccer practice, but I am an adult with my own car.
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 15:53) "

    well, then you ain't the typical Yankee who bite off more than they could chew in credit card debt. [link] In fact, it would appear that it is YOUR people who don't know how a credit card works -- many of them spend, spend, spend on their plastics and didn't know (or don't wanna know) that debts have to be repaid. And with interests too -- a typical Yankee trait that goes all the way up to your leaders if your national debt is anything to go by and which I repost the link with relish! -- [link]/

    You claimed to know so much about my mom even though you've never met her -- I rest my case about the presumptuous Yankee who thinks he/she know it all. You have just unwittingly proven my point for me -- I suppose I should thank you for that!

    As for your claim to be an adult -- well, chronologically you may be one, but I have my doubts as to your mental age!
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 16:59)

    # Comment link

  7. Personally, I'd rather have my American passport than any other I can think of. (Another American, 05. april 2013 19:41) And how many countries can you travel to and walk around freely without having to hide your identity and nationality due to safety reasons? Because your country is loved so much all around the world?

    Quite a few. Most of Europe and Asia. I have been to most of the Balkans on business or pleasure. And yes, even Serbia. Most adult people can separate their dislike of a particular government from their treatment of average people they meet on the streets. You and I would probably have a good time over a cup of coffee, even if we disagree on a lot of things.
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 16:33)

    # Comment link

  8. The kids are bouncing around so I misread your comment. I generally pay for my own dinners with cash. But credit cards are nice to have from time to time. Maybe when you grow up you will have a good enough credit reference to have one. By the way, this is fun. You're disparaging a country you have never been to or met anyone from. Are you still on spring break or are you back in class next week like my 9 year old?
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 16:15)

    # Comment link

  9. Personally, I'd rather have my American passport than any other I can think of. (Another American, 05. april 2013 19:41) And how many countries can you travel to and walk around freely without having to hide your identity and nationality due to safety reasons? Because your country is loved so much all around the world?
    (Teslavio, 7 April 2013 16:10)

    # Comment link

  10. And I don't certainly need presumptuous Yankees to give me unsought advice about having dinner. BTW we pay for our dinners here in cash -- do you have to use whatever credit cards that are not yet maxed out for your dinners over there?
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 13:38)

    What's the obsession about credit cards? Do you not know how they work? I in fact have several and they all have ZERO balance. I pay them off each month. Your Mom can explain about interest to you if you need. Also, I drive myself. Why would I need a driver? I know your Mom drives you to soccer practice, but I am an adult with my own car.
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 15:53)

    # Comment link

  11. "The fact you disparage my country but won't identify yours says a whole lot about you. You might want to log off and go have dinner. Your Mom is likely getting upset with you spending so much time in the basement.
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 13:06)"

    So what does it say "a whole lot" about me? That I have nothing but contempt for Yankee Land? Yep, that's it!

    And I don't certainly need presumptuous Yankees to give me unsought advice about having dinner. BTW we pay for our dinners here in cash -- do you have to use whatever credit cards that are not yet maxed out for your dinners over there?
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 13:38)

    # Comment link

  12. Of course I don't have to tell you Yankees anything unless I choose to. And if the suspense is killing you, well, tough luck!
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 06:44)

    The fact you disparage my country but won't identify yours says a whole lot about you. You might want to log off and go have dinner. Your Mom is likely getting upset with you spending so much time in the basement.
    (Another American, 7 April 2013 13:06)

    # Comment link

  13. "You didn't answer the question. You don't want to tell what country you live in? Why wouldn't you want to tell anyone that?
    (Another American, 6 April 2013 19:27)"

    Of course I don't have to tell you Yankees anything unless I choose to. And if the suspense is killing you, well, tough luck!
    (lowe, 7 April 2013 06:44)

    # Comment link

  14. I see .... and several times too, you say? ....... so did you maxed out your credit cards and then defaulted on the payments to feed your wanderlusts? If so, then no wonder you Yankees have the highest debt in the entire globe! [link]/
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 14:01)

    You didn't answer the question. You don't want to tell what country you live in? Why wouldn't you want to tell anyone that?
    (Another American, 6 April 2013 19:27)

    # Comment link

  15. "USA is a word power - is Serbia???? No. Complain and figure out the demise of the USA all you want. Who would max out a credit card in Serbia? Everything is so cheap.
    (jd, 6 April 2013 15:18)"

    Sure, I agree with you about Yankee Land being a WORD power -- it just knows how to talk and talk and talk -- would have been better if it had often practiced what it liked to preach to others.

    I am not familiar with the credit card situation in Serbia. But what have you got against things being "so cheap" there, if that's true? If the fair value of a loaf of bread in Yankee Land or Serbia or any other country is, say, 3 dollars, don't you think it is just plain nutty to pay much more for it? Especially when you need to max out on a credit card and then couldn't pay your bills? Don't be dense!
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 17:48)

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  16. USA is a word power - is Serbia???? No. Complain and figure out the demise of the USA all you want. Who would max out a credit card in Serbia? Everything is so cheap.
    (jd, 6 April 2013 15:18)

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  17. "I have probably already been to your country several times. Most likely I even enjoyed it. Which one is it?
    (Another American, 6 April 2013 13:09) "

    I see .... and several times too, you say? ....... so did you maxed out your credit cards and then defaulted on the payments to feed your wanderlusts? If so, then no wonder you Yankees have the highest debt in the entire globe! [link]/
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 14:01)

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  18. well, good for you. Just done use it to come to my country. And I dare say that many around the globe feel the same way as me too.
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 01:27)

    I have probably already been to your country several times. Most likely I even enjoyed it. Which one is it?
    (Another American, 6 April 2013 13:09)

    # Comment link

  19. "Personally, I'd rather have my American passport than any other I can think of.
    (Another American, 5 April 2013 19:41)"

    well, good for you. Just done use it to come to my country. And I dare say that many around the globe feel the same way as me too.
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 01:27)

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  20. "The United States had combined power — economic, political and military — and that allowed it to maintain its overall power when economic power faltered. "

    Yankee economic power merely "faltered"? [link]/ ha, ha, ha!
    (lowe, 6 April 2013 01:24)

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  21. These guys are laughable. They need a reality check. USA entering the era of world dominance? Yes, we saw the evidence of that in Afghanistan and Georgia, and we see it now in Syria. USA would not dare to dominate a small country now let alone a bigger fish. Everybody know they are slowly retreating. They would rather run home but they don't want a bad publicity for their domestic audience.
    (Teslavio, 5 April 2013 07:47) These guys are laughable. They need a reality check. USA entering the era of world dominance? Yes, we saw the evidence of that in Afghanistan and Georgia, and we see it now in Syria. USA would not dare to dominate a small country now let alone a bigger fish. Everybody know they are slowly retreating. They would rather run home but they don't want a bad publicity for their domestic audience.
    (Teslavio, 5 April 2013 07:47)

    Whatever helps you sleep at night buddy. Personally, I'd rather have my American passport than any other I can think of.
    (Another American, 5 April 2013 19:41)

    # Comment link

  22. These guys are laughable. They need a reality check. USA entering the era of world dominance? Yes, we saw the evidence of that in Afghanistan and Georgia, and we see it now in Syria. USA would not dare to dominate a small country now let alone a bigger fish. Everybody know they are slowly retreating. They would rather run home but they don't want a bad publicity for their domestic audience.
    (Teslavio, 5 April 2013 07:47)

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  23. Thanks God America and Deutschland are sincere friend of us (shqiptars). Period.
    (Lulashpepaj, 4 April 2013 23:40)

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