Europe's disturbing precedent in Cyprus bailout

The European economic crisis has taken different forms in different places, and Cyprus is the latest country to face the prospect of financial ruin. Overextended banks in Cyprus are teetering on the brink of failure for issuing loans they cannot repay, which has prompted the tiny Mediterranean country, a member of the European Union, to turn to Brussels for help.

George Friedman Source:
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  1. All this has done is confirmed that the EU banking system is third world. As a result China, Russia, India and Brazil are now working to establish a sepsrate banking system so they will not be affected by such fiascos in the future.

    Well done Herr Beer Hall madama Merkel, well done. i told you that the west was run by complete buffoons.
    (sj, 29 March 2013 00:12)

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  2. another FAILED "greek" state in the EU lol
    (eric, 27 March 2013 21:54)

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