Europe, unemployment and instability

The global financial crisis of 2008 has slowly yielded to a global unemployment crisis. This unemployment crisis will, fairly quickly, give way to a political crisis. The crisis involves all three of the major pillars of the global system — Europe, China and the United States.

George Friedman Source:
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  1. While this article has some good points the unemployment figures are a tad hard to swallow.
    We have Portugal at 17.6 and is in a Depression but Croatia is 21.9% and only in recession – Although Croatia is not mentioned I’d like to point out the various interpretations of recession.
    Poland has the same level of unemployment as France. Please who do you think you’re kidding? If Poland had only10.6 its people would not be looking for work outside their country in such vast numbers.
    The Germans have a lot to answer for by providing cheap loans to EU countries so they buy German manufactured goods and when the big bang occurred in 2008 everything went pear shaped with no end in sight.
    Freidman is right unemployment is the death knell of the EU.
    (sj, 12 March 2013 12:12)

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