"Belgrade imposing tight EU integration deadlines on itself"

"Two great weavers have been trying, by working simultaneously on two looms — Brussels and Berlin — to weave a tapestry of Serbia in the European Union, but it has again turned out that this is impossible for as long as (Prime Minister) Ivica Dačić and (First Deputy Prime Minister) Aleksandar Vučić do not say what our borders are," Politika's columnist Boško Jakšić writes in a commentary published by the newspaper:

Source: Politika, VIP
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  1. Yes he hit the nail on the head if you are forgetting the second recession, the borrowing level almost 80% of GDP, and the escalating unemployment rate. Must be nice to make guap as an editor of Politika, this guy is so in touch with the average serb,

    (KOSO, 26 February 2013 16:29)

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  2. Boško Jakšić hit the nail on the head. Serbia is married to the past and it is high time to get a divorce so that it is free to start something new. Ok, the EU carrot is staring us in the face and could be an attractive option but why hurry into a new relationship which is proven to be a difficult and demanding bed partner.
    The first thing Serbia needs is modernization within its own borders. Lets fix the economy, lets tackle corruption but above all lets sort the political stalemate between different factions which his hindering progress.
    (T, 26 February 2013 13:02)

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  3. Finally a voice from Serbia which makes sense, somebody who relizes that ther has to be a break with the past.
    (Willi Pfaff, 26 February 2013 12:16)

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