Past, present and future of Russian energy strategy

The future of Russia's ability to remain a global energy supplier and the strength the Russian energy sector gives the Kremlin are increasingly in question. After a decade of robust energy exports and revenues, Russia is cutting natural gas prices to Europe while revenue projections for its energy behemoth, Gazprom, are declining starting this year.

Lauren Goodrich, Marc Lanthemann Source:
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  1. Maybe because their analysis are spot on?!? None of material was "opinion" but rather deliberated message based on factual current events.

    Next time you have something smart to say at least cite your source - in your case VERBATIM WIKIPEDIA.

    (KOSO, 26 February 2013 04:15)

    # Comment link

  2. Why are Serb media groups publishing propaganda from shallow ‘intelligence’ media groups like this US, Zionist anti Russia publication?
    Strategic Forecasting, Inc., more commonly known as Stratfor, is a global intelligence company founded in 1996 in Austin, Texas by George Friedman who is the founder, chief intelligence officer, and CEO of the company.
    Stratfor has published a daily intelligence briefing since its inception in 1996. Its rise to prominence occurred with the release of its Kosovo Crisis Center during the 1999 NATO airstrikes over Kosovo.

    Print something with more facts please, and not some nobodies thought on what Russia's energy/country will look like.
    (Vuk, 14 February 2013 17:11)

    # Comment link