Avoiding wars that never end

Last week, U.S. President Barack Obama announced that the United States would transfer the primary responsibility for combat operations in Afghanistan to the Afghan military in the coming months, a major step toward the withdrawal of U.S. forces. Also last week, France began an intervention in Mali designed to block jihadists from taking control of the country and creating a base of operations in France's former African colonies.

George Friedman Source:
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  1. The US used 9/11 to take over Afghanistan so it could pipe oil and gas via two former Soviet republics through Afghanistan then to Pakistan and onto ships thus avoiding Russian territory altogether. It became emboldened when its military only took a couple of weeks to take control over the country. Then it launched operation freedom Iraq. That was the good news as the rest is bad - they lost both major conflicts badly. Afghanistan has shown without doubt that the US with NATO are total failures. If they with their might of weapons and numbers could not subdue a people that live in cave and mud huts then all is lost.
    The US is withdrawing because it cannot afford to continue, the military is worn out and the money has run out. There is no other reason.
    Why are the French in Mali considering they have had fundamentalists there for a long time? France is in an economic crises and what better way of turning away attention from your problems that the current government cannot fix than a nice little war. Mali is nothing and in reality of no importance, why don’t they go to Nigeria or help the Algerians? Because those are far harder problems to deal with. The same shortsighted thinking that ran the US into the ground is taking root in France.
    And no the French cannot win in Mali. If they think they can they are living in fantasyland.
    (sj, 20 January 2013 10:06)

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