1. Tim, the 'gov't-against-the-people' flip from being ultra pro under the private bilderberg EC may be due to the UK gold reserves being found to be tungsten and a scapegoat needed to protect the guilty:
    "... a lot of the gold in the vaults of the BoE has been stolen and replaced with tungsten laced bars, according to an MI5 source. The theft has been traced to the Bushes and to funds that were used to finance the Euro. For that reason the English are now openly talking about leaving the EU, the MI5 source said. Blair is also going to be taken in for questioning on his involvement. J Rothschild and J Sassoon will be too." (benjaminfulford.net)
    The real reason may be that gold was used many times more than gold in existence as security for Wall St and London derivatives bets. Using gold plated tungsten gave the illusion.
    Another reason may be because the EC is insanely green on the outside but red on the inside and wants to wed Putin.
    The wishes of the UK majority are never considered. They are to get out from under the EC system (Agenda 21), cancel VAT transfers, shut down the fungi growth of EC orgs.
    Soros withdrew his investments in and Rothschild bet heavily against the euro. These two greatly influence the debt currency scams. They know the EC's euro is a 1 legged donkey competing against the Fed Res' 2 legged donkey $ in the quicksand of the rigged ponzi debt currency markets.
    Basically the new money NWO zionism is losing badly to the old money NWO Pilgrims Soc.
    (Clothcap, 29 December 2012 13:06)

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  2. Too late, Timmy, too late. The monarchy had fought a lost cause, and fought it miserably and cowardly and - of course - lost it. The 500-year war with the Pope is over, and the Holy Roman Vampire is alive and well, which is more than can be said of the British economy. Wake up and smell the stretching wheel and the burning heretics.

    The referendum? Oh, it makes about as much sense as Kosovo Serbs organizing a referendum on whether to reunite with Serbia. Please, please, Tim...cut the comedy, the whole world is laughing. Instead, ask the Queenie to walk over to Canossa, er...I mean, Berlin...and kiss Angela Merkel's slipper. Who knows, Angie may even grant her a ladyship-in-waiting?

    And, oh. Lest I forget. Perhaps the Queen should again change the family name, this time from the passe English (Windsor) to the good old German (Saxe-Coburg-Gotha). The shtick might work!
    (DEDA CVETKO, 25 December 2012 07:54)

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  3. I completely disagree with you about the benefits of being a member of the EU,but I agree with you to give a warm welcome, eventually, to a debate about the opportunity not to be a member of the EU.
    As you say: "Bring it on"
    (Joachim, 23 December 2012 22:05)

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  4. Great article!
    (Curiosityxhasxlanded, 23 December 2012 09:41)

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