1. Sj,
    Only your last to sentences are true, The last is self evident. i.e. Yes, (Penny Hopenz, 3 January 2024 07:25)

    Well sweetie since posting that info it seems that the Ukrainian people don't like the new proposed laws and are looking to amend them. Yes we all know the Ukrainians are winning, but why did Ukrainian Channel 1+1 post on their site that 1.2 million Ukrainians are dead and missing? Any ideas?
    (sj, 3 January 2024 21:28)

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  2. (Z, 2 January 2024 04:17)
    Yes, yes oh mighty Serb Jew LOL. It’s always the case when you post truth it tends to be disturbing to some. I don’t have any military experience and the Russians certainly don’t need me, but since you mentioned that real men risk their lives on the front, I can then assume you’re in Gaza right now protecting Israel which is getting its arse kicked from one corner to another? Look if Gaza is too hot for you give it a short time and your crazies in Tel a viv will start a fight with Hezbollah and that’s going to be very interesting LOL. If they do there goes Galilee. Naturally the Israeli cowards want the US to help them but the Piss and Winders are going to bight off more than they can chew if they do that.
    (sj, 3 January 2024 21:24)

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  3. Sj,
    Only your last to sentences are true, The last is self evident. i.e. Yes, Ukraine is winning the war! In the sentence before your last, you state the draft age has been lowered from age 27 to 25. That means the Ukrainian Military needs fewer soldiers. That means they are relying on only the youngest and strongest soldiers. Can Russia say that, when they are having to call up prisoners and seventy year olds for service.
    (Penny Hopenz, 3 January 2024 07:25)

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  4. Sj,
    The only shit comes from your vulgar and hateful mouth.
    You need a real job.
    We are waiting for you to leave the comfort of your very "Western" home, to join them at the front in Russian mud, risking your life. That's what real men do.
    (Z, 2 January 2024 04:17)

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  5. Another western MSM bullshit story about the Russians losing 74 sailors. What was hit was a landing vessel that was in drydock for repairs and there were no sailors on the ship. In fact, one person was killed but he was a civilian worker. What satellite images show you on that day there were 6 very high value assets that were not even touched. Its amazing how every time Ukraine has a major setback such as the loss of Marinka out comes a sea victory LOL.
    However, I digress here are highlights of Ukraine’s new mobilization law. People are now fully eligible for service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine who are in "Disability Group III.
    Comprising of: 1. Are missing or blind in one eye 2. Are partially deaf 3. Have a tracheotomy 4. Have jaw defects that prevent normal chewing 5. Suffer from dwarfism 6. Have a missing or non-functional arm 7. Have an amputated leg up to the thigh 8. Are missing fingers 9. Are missing both feet 10. Have a pacemaker implanted 11. Have only one working kidney 12. Have only one working lung 13. Have suffered from "traumatic castration" 14. Have a brain abscess 15. Have a substantial skull defect 16. Have Parkinson's 17. Have extreme scoliosis 18. Have severe chest deformities 19. Have severe adrenal insufficiency 20. Have no bladder. Official conscription age drops from 27 to 25.
    As you can see Ukraine is winning the war.
    (sj, 30 December 2023 09:32)

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