1. Save your time lecturing someone more intelligent than you.
    Where are YOU from?
    Tell us all YOUR brilliant credentials.
    You are simply another jealous Third World product, no doubt.
    (Z, 2 January 2024 04:22)

    More intelligent??? Do you mean yourself ha,ah,ah? Please your as dumb as an ox.
    (sj, 4 January 2024 01:57)

    # Comment link

  2. Michael Thomas,
    When all you can do is point out typos as a form of debate, you should know you have already lost.
    (Jeannie, 3 January 2024 07:50)

    # Comment link

  3. Michael,
    Save your time lecturing someone more intelligent than you.
    Where are YOU from?
    Tell us all YOUR brilliant credentials.
    You are simply another jealous Third World product, no doubt.
    (Z, 2 January 2024 04:22)

    # Comment link

  4. There is a cure for this and that would be eliminating the likes of Soros, Gates and Schwab first and then go and get their masters.
    Stop making bioweapons and all will be well.
    (Peggy, 1 January 2024 22:47)

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  5. American (sic) don’t really give a damn what Serbians think, but just remember NATO did Serbia a big favor for (sic) eliminating a cancer that is continuing to destroy Russia and a few other European countries that admire the doomed Putin.
    (Jeannie, 30 December 2023 05:15) # Comment link

    We don’t need doctors or blood tests to identify those suffering from the Zombie virus. Zombies self-identify by their actions and their words. Fortunately, there is a cure: stop consuming poisonous MSM and start reading books. It will take a few years of “Cold Turkey,” but normal cognitive abilities can be restored. Good Luck, Jeannie!
    (Michael Thomas, 31 December 2023 18:01)

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  6. Those that hate "the West" always make the most brilliant comments.
    (Z, 30 December 2023 10:42)

    That's because they are smarter than the average American and they are literate unlike the average American who graduates from High School barely able to sigh their own name let alone post something that makes any sense.
    (sj, 31 December 2023 07:33)

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  7. Those that hate "the West" always make the most brilliant comments.
    (Z, 30 December 2023 10:42)

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  8. This story is typical of that written in the Serbian press and it is a thinly veiled desire to see America suffer. Because the U.S. was successful in ridding Serbia of the cancer fo kleptocracy ushered in by Milosevic and his cronies, many of whom continue to harbor the same misplaced blame for Serbia’s suffering. American don’t really give a damn what Serbians think, but just remember NATO did Serbia a big favor for eliminating a cancer that is continuing to destroy Russia and a few other European countries that admire the doomed Putin.
    (Jeannie, 30 December 2023 05:15)

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  9. Too late. It has already crossed over into humans and infected most of the NATO West.
    (Michael Thomas, 29 December 2023 18:57)

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  10. This virus infected the US populace a long time ago and they are already zombies. look at their Presidential candidates, Joe Biden and Donald Trump, as one said a walking corpse and a narcissist.
    (sj, 29 December 2023 12:57)

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