1. Sj,
    Don't you live in a former penal colony of Great Britain?
    (Z, 2 January 2024 04:03)
    So, what if it was a former penal colony? What does that have to do with this topic, but since you’re an ignoramus, let me enlighten you. The reason the British moved their penal colony to Australia was due to the US gaining independence from Great Britain. Meaning that prior to that the US was its main beneficiary aka dumping ground for its prison population.
    (sj, 4 January 2024 02:06)

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  2. Sj,
    Don't you live in a former penal colony of Great Britain?
    (Z, 2 January 2024 04:03)

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  3. Kosovo has started a whole lot of trouble for the west.
    (Peggy, 2 January 2024 02:18)

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  4. Hms Trent is a coastal pateil craft. very ligjtly armed .....no threat to anyone.
    (jjharston, 29 December 2023 19:03)

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  5. A few anti-ship missiles will keep the Royal Navy away. I am sure Russian will donate a few and some “instructors” to keep train Venezuelan soldiers.
    (Michael Thomas, 29 December 2023 19:01)

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  6. Why does the UK love to act as a power when it is no longer anything. They are making themselves into a laughing stock and they cant even see it. Imagine "Great Britain "sending a war ship. Its as pathetic as sending an aircraft carrier to the South China Sea and the dam thing didn't have any aircraft on it. All the aircraft belong to the US. Then you have a list of ships that have problems such as one keeps losing power and they have no answer to it. Then their second aircraft carrier cant leave the docks because of numerous mechanical problems. They should rename the country as Great Joke.
    (sj, 29 December 2023 12:52)

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  7. Great Britain?
    (Aj, 29 December 2023 11:57)

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