1. Z knows a lot about that, his closet is full of it
    (Aj, 31 December 2023 11:56)

    # Comment link

  2. Not only are you a stupid bigot but very wrong.
    Many great military heroes have been Gay.
    But of course you have no historical knowledge.
    (Z, 30 December 2023 10:47)

    Since there are many name 7.
    (sj, 31 December 2023 09:01)

    # Comment link

  3. Aj,
    Not only are you a stupid bigot but very wrong.
    Many great military heroes have been Gay.
    But of course you have no historical knowledge.
    (Z, 30 December 2023 10:47)

    # Comment link

  4. The very peace-loving Dutch are not at all stupid. Like it or not, they see the "handwriting on the wall", as so many others do. The threats to all that hold freedom so dear, know that freedom is never free.
    (Z, 29 December 2023 01:33)
    How do tell it’s an American? They can’t speak two words without mentioning freedom. It’s the same old meme of freedom, democracy, human rights, rule of law etc etc. Its all mouth and nothing else.
    Here is your example of the chronic wasting disease or zombie disease which hit the US decades ago. They are brain dead.
    (sj, 30 December 2023 09:13)

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  5. Bit hard to rally a nation of LGBT population to join the military.
    (AJ, 29 December 2023 02:21)

    # Comment link

  6. The very peace-loving Dutch are not at all stupid. Like it or not, they see the "handwriting on the wall", as so many others do. The threats to all that hold freedom so dear, know that freedom is never free.
    (Z, 29 December 2023 01:33)

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