1. First of all the Novocherkassk is an aging landing ship and it was in dry dock for some maintenance works, but what interesting is that satellite images show at least 6 other much more valuable assets were there at the time of the attack and they were not touched. It’s amazing that every time Ukraine loses an important town and this time its Marinka, Kiev has a sea victory LOL.
    Lads it’s the Crimea bridge not the Bridge of Kherson. Oh that US general must have been Ben Hodges, a 3 star dimwit thick as a piece of wood and twice as stupid who has NOT got one thing right so far.
    (sj, 30 December 2023 13:59)

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  2. Just you wait till Putin’s Bridge of Kherson is destroyed, if you wish to see little Vlad pissed off. Cry all you want little man, the bridge will be gone very soon.
    (Lugoni, 29 December 2023 14:31)

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  3. The K Bridge is next! You heard it here first. An American General predicts the Kherson Bridge is not long for this world. Big party planned!
    (Lago, 29 December 2023 13:50)

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  4. It always happens when Putin’s military reveals its weakness, like in the obliteration of the war ship, Novocherkassk by Ukrainian homemade drones. How hilarious it is watching Putin soil his knickers then takes it out on his loyal dogs, his military. If Vlad could provide his troops with functioning weapons, he might not be humiliated so often.
    (Jody, 29 December 2023 05:34)

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