1. (Z, 12 December 2023 20:37)
    You’re not annoying me but entertaining by showing your stupidity and ignorance. Please keep up the good work. Its very funny.
    (sj, 13 December 2023 03:34)

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  2. (Z, 12 December 2023 22:01)
    Hey halfwit your posting drivel and fantasy. You are barely able to write in English let alone converse in other languages. Once fluent in Hebrew but what? Have you forgotten it ha,ha,ha? No dummy the New Testament was not written in Greek but Classical Greek – there is a difference and I’m not going to waste my time explaining the difference.
    Many non-Jewish people have lived in kibbutz, but are you aware a Kibbutz is actually an agricultural cooperative or communal farm. It comes from Karl Marx’s Communism manifesto. They had those in the Soviet Union. You had no idea? Did you LOL? Well, being such an anti-communist LOL.
    If you have travelled 100 miles in your life time you would have been luck let alone many countries. Plus you are not a Serb, an Albo maybe but not a Serb.
    Once again thick as two planks of wood and happy to show the world.
    (sj, 13 December 2023 03:30)

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  3. Osmanis and Sj,
    I do not debate with Jew-haters or any haters, especially if they are vulgar.
    Nor do I need any lectures from such people. You want more facts? I suggest you read The Times of Israel in English.
    As for me, I have lived, worked and studied in Israel. I even lived, at one time, on a kibbutz in the Negev desert which was founded decades ago by Yugoslav Jews.
    I understand five languages and was once quite fluent in Hebrew, which also means I can read the Torah (Old Testament) in its original language. As you surely know, the New Testament is originally written in Greek.
    I have traveled throught the world in my many years and observed and lived with people of many nations, including my ancestral nation of Serbia. With intelligent, educated and respectful people, I have had many diverse and interesting conversations, including with my Arab friends.
    To engage with people who lack basic qualities is beneath me.
    (Z, 12 December 2023 22:01)

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  4. Sj and O,
    I'm so happy I annoy you with truth.
    Unlike you both who use too many words, usually vulgar, I get to the point.
    (Z, 12 December 2023 20:37)

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  5. (Z, 12 December 2023 08:08)
    Who trained you in debate? First rule is put up a good counter argument with proof not just waffle on about nothing. Psst I don’t live in Serbia. I was born and live in Australia.
    Evil lies, eh? I hate to say these are ALL facts. It goes on today where Jews go into a Palestinian west bank area throw out the occupants some are even killed, all with the protection of the Israeli military, and bulldoze 1,000-year-old olive trees so the rightful owners cannot come back.

    This is not from sj but from the Israeli daily, Haaretz:

    "According to Israel’s conception, the humanitarian crisis is part of an arsenal at its disposal, which can be used not just as a bargaining chip in negotiations over the release of hostages. Its role is to sear into Palestinian consciousness the apocalyptic punishment facing anyone who from now on dared challenge Israel.
    The ‘tribe of Amalek’ today is quoted widely in Israel. King Saul, in the first Book of Samuel, commands Samuel to put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys".

    Carefully note:“ sear into Palestinian consciousness the apocalyptic punishment facing anyone who from now on dared challenge Israel ”.

    Now what would you do if I kicked you out of your home? Any comments or has the cat got your tongue. Remember post facts not drivel.
    (sj, 12 December 2023 11:20)

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  6. Sj,
    I would also like to add that your utter ignorance of history and reality is astounding. If you are any example of what a true Serb is, Serbia has no future.
    But as we all know, I believe you live with kangaroos.
    (Z, 12 December 2023 08:08)

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  7. Sj,
    You are truly not only delusional but full of evil lies.
    (Z, 12 December 2023 05:16)

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  8. Z......
    What a one eyed muppet you are.
    Hamas certainly are no angels. But just look at the map of that area in 1948 and compare it to today. The Israelis have taken so much land that was to be for Palastinians and have forced the Palastinians into tiny ghettos. The Israelis look down on others and Palastinians are 5th class citizens in their own country.
    This conflict has been brewing for many decades and when finally the Palastinians are cornered, ethnically cleansed and reduced to poverty they will react. And muppets like you call them terrorists...!??!
    I read a great phrase which fits this scenario perfectly.......
    "In order for true peace to exist there must be a lack of conflict/war AND a sence of justice".......
    The Israelis can and will bring this to an end, but I doubt there will be justice in the process. And hence another conflict will erupt again at some point in the future.
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 11 December 2023 15:54)

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  9. (Z, 11 December 2023 02:32)

    What would you do if I and a few others came to your house then kicked you and your family onto the street with no compensation but the cloths on your back? Would you meekly walk away or fight me with all you have got???
    Next question, what is your opinion about the fact Shin bet, Israelis internal security agency, takes Palestinian girls, rapes them and films the rape then releases them and says if they don’t bring all information, they will send a copy of that film to their family?
    Now where do you stand on the subject of Israeli police/security services randomly arresting Palestinians off the street, incarcerate them without, so even you can understand, due process for years. Some are as young as 8 years old and spend 10 or 12 years in prison where they are beaten and torture. Any comments?

    I wonder if B92 will be brave enough to publish this?????
    (sj, 11 December 2023 11:58)

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  10. Blame Hamas, who attacks from beneath U.N. facilities. The U.N. is complicit.
    And finally some in Gaza are waking up and turning on the cowardly bandit-murderers called Hamas.
    They are a cult of death with their radical Islamic ideology. The people have witnessed them stealing relief aid.
    Their days are numbered. Hundreds have surrendered or been arrested by the Israeli Defense Forces.
    And their hostages? Now they are speaking, as they were freed...torture, drugging, starving, and MORE !
    (Z, 11 December 2023 02:32)

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