1. My goodness that nappy Joe is wearing needs changing because not only is it loaded with a number 2 but he is also full of it. US troops fighting Russians ha,ha,ha,ha. The US can’t fill current vacancies in all areas of their armed forces and that’s even after numbers have been reduced and this knucklehead thinks the US will fight the Russians. In what universe?
    On another but related note, I watched and listened to an interview relating to Gaza with Alastair Crooke, a former UK diplomat. He said “I saw footage of the US battle groups in both the Mediterranean and Gulf of Oman and they looked like something out of the 1950s”. The only thing new was the Ohio Class submarine”.
    Yep old Joe is living in the 1960s LOL.
    (sj, 8 December 2023 00:41)

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  2. Good to see that Republicans are blocking more funds for death and mysery. Perhaps there will be some brave politicians in Washington to admitt that this is a proxy war organised and funded by America/nato (just ask Victoria Nuland).
    Why did America/nato promise Russia back in the early 90s that nato would not expand an inch to the east?? That proved to be a lie. They urged the Baltic states to join nato as well as Poland, Checoslovakia (as it was then), Rumania, Bulgaria, Hungary, etc. Why, when they knew this was a provocation? Washington also knew that Ukraine was Russias red line. And the Yanks still pushed Kiev into a conflict with Moscow (google Victoria Nulands phone chat with the US ambassador in Kiev back in late 2013 in which they talk about who was and who wasnt to be in the new Ukrainian gmt after the "revolution" in early 2014). This is shocking, disgusting and has cost countless lives. But does Washington care how many have to die....so long as "Russia is defeated".
    This is a poinless war which America pushed Ukraine into. Shame on Washington.....
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 7 December 2023 16:05)

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