1. (Peggy, 26 November 2023 23:04)

    Serbia has recognized Kosovo documents, borders, and many other things.
    (oof mcie and men, 28 November 2023 00:23)
    All of that will be reversed. Stay tuned.
    (Peggy, 30 November 2023 00:56)

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  2. (EA, 27 November 2023 10:12)
    I am curious to know what are you on? A veto right it means a weak argument? The US, you know your God, uses it often so does the UK and France. Yes, Serbia definitely belongs to Russia and that sphere, but on the matter of history and when Serb arrival in large numbers to the Balkans is on record – no one is hiding that fact, but I have heard you Albos boast many, many times that there are 10 million Albos living in Turkey and there are more people of Albanian background there than in Albania or Kosovo. Now that proves that you people came over with the Ottomans. There is NO record of Albanians prior to the Ottomans arrival.
    Einhard, a official historian of the Emperor Charlemagne, lived between 775AD – 840AD. He travelled throughout the Balkans in the 8th century and wrote about the people of Bosnia and other parts of that region. He said “only Serbs lived there”.
    He never once mentioned Croats or Albanians. Einhard was not a Serb. This is an official record from way back then.
    What is it with Albos and joining the EU? Its as if it heaven. The EU is finished.
    (sj, 29 November 2023 04:45)

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  3. Check the information before talking rubish...
    (EA, 27 November 2023 09:47) #

    When did Kosova get visa free travel?
    (sj, 29 November 2023 04:03)

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  4. Serbia has recognized Kosovo documents, borders, and many other things.
    (oof mcie and men, 28 November 2023 00:23)

    Bullshit. Washington DC recognises documents, number plates, borders and other official material from the State of Kansas, but Kansas is NOT an independent country.
    (sj, 29 November 2023 04:01)

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  5. It’s constitutionally impossible. There needs to be a constitutional amendment
    (Brian, 29 November 2023 01:00)

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  6. (Peggy, 26 November 2023 23:04)

    Serbia has recognized Kosovo documents, borders, and many other things.
    (oof mcie and men, 28 November 2023 00:23)

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  7. Vučić is standing tall on this issue, alone.
    For any outside entity, whether it be NATO or the E.U., to disrespect a long and noble country and it's history, is unacceptable.
    There may be agreements and cooperation between countries, but that does not include dictating to another country, anything that is contradictory to history and truth.
    And does the U.N. need a ANOTHER Muslim country, that would undoubtedly be against Serbia and the "West"? I think not.
    Until the world wakes up to the long held plans and patience of Islamic traditions, especially regarding "conquering" others, the world is in deep peril.
    (Z, 27 November 2023 14:12)

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  8. Why is EA so obsessed with Serbia? He must really wish he was Serbian.
    (Raisin Scone, 27 November 2023 10:33)

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  9. (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 27 November 2023 08:55)
    The US is in dire straits on all sides. This ceasefire in Gaza is the result of pressure by Bricks on the US and they in turn ordered Israel to accept it. Genocide Joe told the Egyptian President that “under NO circumstances will the US allow Israel to redraw the borders of Gaza”. Bricks now has the vast majority of nations on its side in the UN. This is the first time since WW2 the US has not had control of the UN. The US has lost influence or any control in the Middle East. Bricks has taken its place.
    Yes you are right Kosovo is Serbia and Albos its...tik tok.....
    (sj, 27 November 2023 10:28)

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  10. Also how is kosovo joining nato when Spain, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece, Rumania dont recognise you (all nato members)...???
    Keep dreaming thieves.
    Kosovo is Serbia. Your day is coming....tik tok.....

    When a country thinks to use a veto right it means how weak his argument is. Serbia belongs to Russia and its world and do you know the history how and when the moved to the Balkan region?

    Do you think Serbia will join EU without formally recognising Kosovo independence first?
    (EA, 27 November 2023 10:12)

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  11. The EU allows visa free travel to all holders of Serbian passports that live in Kosovo but nothing to holders of so called Kosova passports LOL. Tell you anything here? and you think Pristina will join NATO. When pigs start flying.
    (sj, 27 November 2023 04:50)


    Check the information before talking rubish...
    (EA, 27 November 2023 09:47)

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  12. EA and other albos........
    You all seem to be clutching at straws. Vucic has not to date recognised K&M as country and neither will he. Thats a fact and you all know it. So keep dreaming and playing with words.
    Your thieving albos are desperate because you know Russia is winning in Ukraine, and nothing America can do about it. Meanwhile US elections coming up in nov.2024 and you know this is your last straw......
    The US is in dire straits. They abandoned Afghanistan and other places such as Vietnam. They will abandon you as well. Also how is kosovo joining nato when Spain, Slovakia, Cyprus, Greece, Rumania dont recognise you (all nato members)...???
    Keep dreaming thieves.
    Kosovo is Serbia. Your day is coming....tik tok.....
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 27 November 2023 08:55)

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  13. Vučić replied that he would never, and stated that he had said this several times. "I've already said a thousand times that I won't. I said that to the face of Scholz, Macron and Meloni. Charles Michel, Borrell and Lajcak were also present. I said that in front of six of them. I told them that before", pointed out Vučić.

    Yes he did...So what is West awaiting for? Continue cuddling Vucic?

    First the EU must find a mechanism to allow Kosovo to join NATO. That would give Vucic an excuse that 'nothing he can do about it as there is no Russia veto in the Alliance' and that would 'help Vucic' to be further cornered...
    (EA, 26 November 2023 16:24)

    😆 😂 😆 Haha ,you are really funny EA ,just trying to be like Zelensky))
    First ,in NATO ,Serbia has from Spain ,Greece ,Cyprus, Slovakia,Romania and even Hungary to veto that ))
    For Kosovo in future to every Exist ,67 % Serbian parliament needs to recognise Kosovo as a separate country ) Which it ain't happening ))
    It seemd like you still watching fairy tale news like CNN and BBC news)
    (Sydney Man, 27 November 2023 08:51)

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  14. First the EU must find a mechanism to allow Kosovo to join NATO. That would give Vucic an excuse that 'nothing he can do about it as there is no Russia veto in the Alliance' and that would 'help Vucic' to be further cornered...
    (EA, 26 November 2023 16:24)

    The EU allows visa free travel to all holders of Serbian passports that live in Kosovo but nothing to holders of so called Kosova passports LOL. Tell you anything here? and you think Pristina will join NATO. When pigs start flying.
    (sj, 27 November 2023 04:50)

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  15. Elections are coming. Vucic has to play the role of victim until elections have ended. We've seen this movie many times before.
    (of mice and men, 26 November 2023 19:20)

    You very lucky you watch movie again.
    (sj, 27 November 2023 04:46)

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  16. Serbia will not sign recognition of Kosovo which is great, but will Vucic do anything to get Kosovo or stop Albanians eroding what little is left?
    (Peggy, 26 November 2023 23:04)

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  17. Elections are coming. Vucic has to play the role of victim until elections have ended. We've seen this movie many times before.
    (of mice and men, 26 November 2023 19:20)

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  18. Further to my previous comment, I would expect the USA and EU a robust reponse to Serbia as soon as election are over and new Serbia government is formed...
    (EA, 26 November 2023 16:31)

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  19. Vučić replied that he would never, and stated that he had said this several times. "I've already said a thousand times that I won't. I said that to the face of Scholz, Macron and Meloni. Charles Michel, Borrell and Lajcak were also present. I said that in front of six of them. I told them that before", pointed out Vučić.

    Yes he did...So what is West awaiting for? Continue cuddling Vucic?

    First the EU must find a mechanism to allow Kosovo to join NATO. That would give Vucic an excuse that 'nothing he can do about it as there is no Russia veto in the Alliance' and that would 'help Vucic' to be further cornered...
    (EA, 26 November 2023 16:24)

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