1. There is no place for Serbia in the EU. Their only chance is to try to form an allegiance with Russia, but Russia has gone down the toilet. International news outlets have been reporting that Putin has not been seen in Moscow in some time and that is where Putin gets his strongest support. The war will be over by Christmas.
    (Sonja, 28 November 2023 10:18)

    Putin has had about 12 heart attacks, several cancers, Parkinson's and a few other health issues plus Russia is losing the war badly and yet its not Russia that's about to mobilise people from 17 to 70.
    (sj, 29 November 2023 04:49)

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  2. International news outlets have been reporting that Putin has not been seen in Moscow in some time and that is where Putin gets his strongest support. The war will be over by Christmas.
    (Sonja, 28 November 2023 10:18)
    International news, you mean western propaganda, has been reporting that Putin will be dead in a few months and he's still around and well.
    They write all sorts of garbage aimed at people willing to buy into it.
    (Peggy, 29 November 2023 00:12)

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  3. There is no place for Serbia in the EU. Their only chance is to try to form an allegiance with Russia, but Russia has gone down the toilet. International news outlets have been reporting that Putin has not been seen in Moscow in some time and that is where Putin gets his strongest support. The war will be over by Christmas.
    (Sonja, 28 November 2023 10:18)

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  4. This is almost humorous.
    EULEX can party with the KLA, write nice reports, then go home.
    They prevent no crimes against Serbs and don't intend to.
    Why would Serbia want to join an entity called the E.U., that has done nothing but betray them, in so many ways?
    (Z, 27 November 2023 18:14)

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  5. It says plenty about the so called independence of Kosovo LOL.
    (sj, 27 November 2023 05:30)

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  6. Organised by the under secretary of state Betsey Laich. Peace and prosperity will prevail 🥴🥴🥴
    (Aj, 26 November 2023 08:54)

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