1. EA,
    How can you be so certain?
    Has anyone thus far punished or even mentioned what criminal Albanians do in Kosovo against Serbs?
    The Albanians appear to be behaving like criminals in more than one place, with apparent immunity.
    (Z, 23 November 2023 06:47)

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  2. Perhaps the "sweet" people of "Kosova" belong in their homeland.
    They appear to behave the same way.
    (Z, 23 November 2023 06:43)

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  3. Did you see the video clip? The idiots couldn’t even do that right, trying to burn the flag with a cigarette lighter, lighting it multiple times all over, must have taken forever. What a bunch of in-bred idiots, no wonder that they’re the most hated race in Western Europe.
    (Taken, 22 November 2023 13:28)

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  4. "...expects that the competent institutions of the Republic of Albania will do everything in their power to identify and prosecute the perpetrators of that act...".

    Absolutely right. Stupid actions by individual or group of individual must be punished according to law.

    I am confident that they will be punished...
    (EA, 22 November 2023 09:40)

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