1. No aj Betsy vote will be multiplied magically by millions in the U.S.
    Old cenile Joe shmo will be a shoe in again as president.
    (Destiny, 1 November 2023 19:04)

    # Comment link

  2. Aj,
    I appreciate your confidence.

    But I spent over a decade during YOUR last civil war, regularly and personally bringing Serbs (and other God Yugoslavs) humanitarian aid and helping to organize thise in the diaspora to also help.

    But I'm not Wonder Woman.
    And Serbia has always had great leaders, if they could just be given a fair chance or not assassinated.

    * correction : "good yugoslavs" and "those" .
    This system often prevents one from correcting spelling errors or WRITES words for you.
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 November 2023 09:35)

    # Comment link

  3. Aj,
    I appreciate your confidence.

    But I spent over a decade during YOUR last civil war, regularly and personally bringing Serbs (and other God Yugoslavs) humanitarian aid and helping to organize thise in the diaspora to also help.

    But I'm not Wonder Woman.
    And Serbia has always had great leaders, if they could just be given a fair chance or not assassinated.

    * correction : "good yugoslavs" and "those"
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 November 2023 09:33)

    # Comment link

  4. For peace in Serbia, vote for Betsy Lalich
    (Aj, 31 October 2023 04:25)

    # Comment link