1. Vucic thought he could get away with lying by accusing Kurti of using a trick, but like the boy who cried “wolf” once too often, revealed himself for what he is, a liar!
    (Boris, 29 October 2023 20:49)

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  2. It is not a trick, Vucic was calling it so only as an excuse not to sign. It was Vucic using a trick by not signing, which he has used many times before. Only this time Vucic was hoisted by his own petard!
    (Boris, 29 October 2023 20:43)

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  3. Free the press dictator. Free the press then you talk
    (Who, 29 October 2023 14:02)

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  4. Lots of words in the article but very little content; I practically got nothing reading it. Altogether it looked like a press release from Vučić' office. Is this journalism?
    (Olli, 29 October 2023 09:46)

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  5. The truth is Vucic is tricking Serbs. Pre election propaganda so he can win in December. After that all bets are off. Banjska changed everything.
    (of mice and men, 29 October 2023 05:01)

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