1. Tom,
    A "multi-power" world led by China or Russia?
    THAT is as nightmarish as you are ill.
    (Betsy Lalich, 1 October 2023 10:43)

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  2. Perhaps this is an extension of Armenian genocide. To say "they do not exjst" is exactly the same tone Turkey has taken.
    Does the world care?
    All actions are in self interest, with clear political motivation.
    Who suffers? The Armenian people and their rich culture. They must not be silent and actively present on the world stage. Yes,it is perhaps a true stage of clowns, which is even more dangerous.
    (Betsy Lalich, 30 September 2023 03:16)

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  3. Armenia must give way to economic progress.
    (Concerned Albanian, 29 September 2023 03:48)

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  4. With the clear erosion and demise of American unipolar hegemony, the same fate awaits the KLA terrorists in Serbia’s KiM province. The Azeri’s were patient, smartly nurtured ties with Russia, while Armenians stupidly have thrown their failing future in with the USA.
    The mask has fallen off the evil NATO and its 98 year old protected N4zi’s who are being celebrated as hero’s in their parliaments. The true free world and non-brainwashed residents of NATO-lands, are tired of their war-mongering ruling elites.
    The vast majority of this planet’s population are now cheering for Russia and China to end the hegemonic American evil and provide for a more balanced multipolar world.
    (Tom Sawyer, 28 September 2023 15:44)

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