1. I never thought the Albo's could elect anyone dumber than Haradinj or Thaci as their leader but Kurti proved otherwise...
    (grim reaper, 25 September 2023 14:28)

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  2. Please sj, take a night class for English to correct your poor grammar before you attempt to act as Minister of Propaganda for Serbia. I understand you are attempting to emulate Vucic when he held the same position during the Milosevic regime. However, I don’t recommend quitting your day job so as to replace it with that lofty position!
    (Sasha Guric, 25 September 2023 09:16)

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  3. Kirti is as dumb as an ox and that's being very kind. He is being directed by the US to start some kind of conflict with Belgrade and this NATO will step in. The problem is the US always pushes some one else under a bus and tha albos are no exception.
    He even tells Vucic to his face Serbs must suffer. What the Albo goat herders has no idea is albos have sealed their fate in Kosovo.
    (Sj, 24 September 2023 23:20)

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