1. Kosova’s Parliament . Get it. Kosova has a PARLIAMENT. That’s important. LOL
    (Who, 14 July 2023 16:09)

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  2. I said it before and ill say it again… Kurti will be the end of project “Kosova”
    (M, 14 July 2023 04:42)

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  3. Who let the dogs out? Where are the eggs? Democracy in action, reminds me of the Ukrainian parliament where fisticuffs were a daily occurrence. That brings me to my next point, the dictator Zelensky has shut down parliament, banned and jailed opposition leaders. Where is the so called Western Democracies to condemn this idiot. Kurti is on his way out, when Haridanaj the KLA terrorist looks more moderate than this clown, you know something is wrong.
    (Jugoslavija, 13 July 2023 20:58)

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  4. Hahahaha........
    This is so funny.
    Kurti, remember you have to keep kissing the American a*s. You are a puppet of Washington and must do as they say.
    I'm amazed that kurti calls himself a law abiding democrat......after he did everything all those years ago to cause trouble for Serbia. He didnt respect the constitution, abide by the law and was a supporter of terrorist kla. He even threw a smoke bomb in the so called parliament of kosovo.
    Albos, remember this......there will come a day when the Americans dont need you and will will get fed up of all your a*s kissing. Thats the day you either accept you live in Serbia or you move to Albania.
    Its coming......
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 13 July 2023 14:34)

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