1. Good truthful information and God Bless China and the Chinese people !!!
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 31 May 2023 15:12)

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  2. The ultimate goal of the White House is for both Europe and Russia to suffer losses, which would allow Washington to maintain its hegemony, the expert concluded.

    What an "expert"...?
    (EA, 31 May 2023 08:28)

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  3. And you government of Serbia, knowing what you know, are still pushing to be part of the EU? Get real you will loose everything including your honor. We lost everything, but managed to keep our honor, Nikola Pasic Prime Minister. Step back, turn around now. Get the hell away from US hegemony you will loose everything. You do know that USA controls the EU, NATO, and the UN.

    Serbia did not live this long only to be trampled under the heal of the USA. Think carefully, you will see the light if you do.
    (Dragan, 31 May 2023 04:10)

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  4. The image that has emerged from Kosovo is one of oppression against the Serbs by NATO and that is what Belgrade wants. Now it’s a well-known fact that less than 1,500 voted in those council elections and yet the west has accepted as valid. The scenes pictured from yesterday were beamed throughout the world and there is much resentment at what’s going on. The Serbs have painted themselves as the oppressed underdog while NATO and Kurti the oppressors.
    A lot in Europe are not happy about how this has been handled so we now have the US pretending they had nothing to do with it.

    Edi Rama said that all this harms Kosovo in the eye’s of its allies and the longer its lasts, the more it harm to Kosovo.
    (BT, 31 May 2023 03:57)

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  5. Kosovo is not Ukraine. It would be an extremely short war for that matter and like Ukraine NATO will, come out of it very badly. Let Stoltenberg send in another 700 because what these people have no idea is they are beginning to look like oppressors on the international stage.
    Once again would these NATO clowns seek medical attention in Albo hospitals not in Serbian run faculties.
    (sj, 31 May 2023 03:47)

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