1. 'Why are you willing to sacrifice Serbia so that the grand puppet master the USA and EU take away Serbias sovereignty of being totally independent.
    (Dragan, 2 April 2023 22:13)

    Dependent on Russia is fine?
    (EA, 3 April 2023 11:15)

    # Comment link

  2. You talk well, it is admirable of you to defend Serbia. Serbia is progressing, and maintaining and holding its own sovereignty so let me ask this question. Why are you willing to sacrifice Serbia so that the grand puppet master the USA and EU take away Serbias sovereignty of being totally independent. You are aware of the true nature of these entities are you not. What does the EU have that Serbia needs. The answer is nothing. Serbia doesn’t need anything from the EU to prosper. It is doing well on its own, is it not? Do not follow a false prophets, go forth on your own do not look at them. Do not destroy 1500 years of history, or those that died preserving their right for freedom
    (Dragan, 2 April 2023 22:13)

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