1. AI,
    The concept of the CSM will be equivalent to an NGO. The communities themselves will be much like a reservation for native Americans in the U.S. As long as Serbs are loyal to the Kosova government, they will have nothing to fear!
    (IA, 2 October 2022 06:52)

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  2. They have been entrusted by WHOM?
    (Joachim, 29 September 2022 22:14)

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  3. Never expect fairness if Germans are involved, especially with institutions close to the SPD, such as the Ebert foundation.
    (Tony (a Brit seconded to Berlin), 29 September 2022 20:57)

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    (Zimjii81, 29 September 2022 16:57)

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  5. The Germans can work on my resume if they like. Its more BS with nothing coming out of it, but wait until the riots start in Germanys and Government buildings are torched, oh that's going to be a sight.
    The Germans are like the orchestra on the Titanic playing while the water laps around their ankles. The economic cataclysm is bearing down on Berlin and they are writing a document LOL.
    The riots will start well before Germans finish this document.
    (sj, 29 September 2022 13:13)

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  6. Why do you need the CSM? Kosovo is Serbia.
    (Al, 29 September 2022 10:40)

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