1. Serbia is destroying Serbia, not the West, not NATO, nor the E.U.

    Enjoy yourselves as the world REALLY despises, more each day, your current paranoia and will for self-destruction is astounding and sick !
    (Betsy Lalich, 3 June 2022 06:54)

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  2. The only terrorist is Turkey for centuries.
    Mark my words Turkey will be gone from NATO.
    Will become blossom buddy of Russia and Serbia.
    They think they are winners until they realize it was a trap to thier criminal idiodicies.
    (Lenard, 31 May 2022 13:23)

    Mark your words LOL You have not got one thing right since you started posting on this site. Croatia follows the EU edict so what benefit has it received so far? Tell me how many industries have moved to Croatia? I count ZERO, but I could be wrong so let me know if that is the case.
    (sj, 2 June 2022 10:50)

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  3. Lenard,
    Turkey realises that to sanction Russia is committing suicide.
    They also realise that America is not affected too much by this because its Europe that is paying a mega high fuel and gas prices and the economic costs will be massive.
    And of course its the Ukrainian troops (and some civilians) who are doing the fighting....not America.
    Its a bit like the Yanks got ISIS and other groups to do Americas fighting in Syria.
    As for Turkey leaving nato, well, thats a good thing. Why should Turkish soldiers fight for Americas interests..??
    Nato used to justify its existence because of the Warsaw pact. But since that no longer exists nato has become the worlds bully and aggressor, with millions of deaths being the cost as well as destroyed countries.
    Disband nato now and go home Yanks and leave the world in peace.
    (OSMANIS XXX LARGE KNICKERS, 1 June 2022 14:53)

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  4. The only terrorist is Turkey for centuries.
    Mark my words Turkey will be gone from NATO.
    Will become blossom buddy of Russia and Serbia.
    They think they are winners until they realize it was a trap to thier criminal idiodicies.
    (Lenard, 31 May 2022 13:23)

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