1. Beware, change in attitude toward Serbia could only mean it will be worse than the current approach. When has it ever been an improvement for Serbia. Putin is not in a position to help Serbia. Look what is happening after China “helped” Serbia, it has resulted in making Serbia look like it is accepting slave labor at the Chinese tire factory.
    (Marko Vinik, 1 December 2021 14:25)

    I thought people like you were paid to write rubbish but I have come to the conclusion your just not too bright. Marko if the Chinese offered your Ustasa land that same "tire" factory you would not stop talking about it, but since they didn't its all "salve labour. 2.8 million left and falling fast - in five years no more Croats ha,ha.
    (sj, 2 December 2021 08:29)

    # Comment link

  2. Beware, change in attitude toward Serbia could only mean it will be worse than the current approach. When has it ever been an improvement for Serbia. Putin is not in a position to help Serbia. Look what is happening after China “helped” Serbia, it has resulted in making Serbia look like it is accepting slave labor at the Chinese tire factory.
    (Marko Vinik, 1 December 2021 14:25)

    # Comment link