1. (Fran Kolic, 1 November 2021 10:46)

    The dumber they are the more ludicrous the questions they pose LOL. Simple, if you have not worked it out yet. Every country has unemployed and every country has people living below the poverty line and Serbia is not an exception and I have never said it was. If Serbia was not preforming well, they would not have been able to afford the 30 ueros.
    Serbia’s economy is preforming well above average in Europe and that is a fact not my theory.
    Let’s look Croatia. If not for EU money it would be one of the most impoverished states not only in Europe but the world. Same goes for BiH, Nt Macedonia and Montenegro.
    Let me know if you want a list of the industry that has opened in Serbia in the last 5 years alone. You can list all that have opened up in Croatia in the last two decades. Deadly silence always follows this request.
    Pumpkin I don’t live in Serbia.
    (sj, 3 November 2021 11:46)

    # Comment link

  2. Is this what sj is always talking about, that Serbia is in a “booming” economy. Why is there a need for Serbs to be on the dole and be given 30 euros. I’m sure sj is eligible for some of that welfare money.
    (Fran Kolic, 1 November 2021 10:46)

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