1. Your... whatever, Mr. Orbán. Get lost.
    (Ataman, 23 September 2021 19:44)

    # Comment link

  2. "Brussels is betraying Hungary and the Europeans. Hungary is protecting the whole of Europe. We hope that Brussels' plan could fail. It should provide help where it is needed, and not create problems for Hungary, the Czech Republic and the rest of the EU,"

    So no body mentions how Srbija for many centuries struggled with the Ottoman Empire and held back Islam from invading the Aryan Roman Catholic Europe ! So BIG thank You from the Aryan NAZI Roman Catholic EU to Serbian people and Srbija in 1999 with U-235 poison bombs and stolen Serbian Holy Land Kosovo rewarded to Albanian Siptar Islamic terrorist !!!
    (Dragoljub Djurkovic, 23 September 2021 13:53)

    # Comment link