1. "Djukanovic's cabinet announced .. that Russia and the Russian Orthodox Church are destabilizing Montenegro"

    This is a desperate cry for help by Djuko; in fact he is begging for western assistance, but it is no coming ha,ha. Hope he finds a nice big rock to climb under, but it will not be in Montenegro.
    (sj, 23 September 2021 07:28)

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  2. What's really shameful is Montenegro and their Nato allies got their asses kicked in Afghanistan, and ran with their tails between their legs!
    (george56, 22 September 2021 20:03)

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  3. One must admit, Russia is ineffective in its efforts to destabilize Montenegro and other non-Serbian States in the Western Balkans.
    (Marko, 22 September 2021 19:27)

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  4. Poor Milo, still had memories of the 90s and he still feels this is the 90s.
    I don't think anymore USA dollars or pharmaceutical drugs from USA companies can save his sanity.
    (Al, 22 September 2021 13:06)

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