1. Yes sj, even if the USA were only 30% of what it once was, it still was able to snuff out two Taliban commanders, like shooting fish in a barrel. Where are Putin’s imaginary 22nd century high tech weapons, that he talks about in order to make his vodka swilling sheep get sober. What other country, other than the USA, causes little Vlad to have nightmares.
    (Donna Devoli, 31 August 2021 11:16)

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  2. But you already have Nato's "fast reaction force" and you could, if you only wanted to, send a Nato force to Karzai airport to assist while airlifting the opposition to the Talibs. So, I read your babbling Borrell like this "we are all vassals of the US and we can't tell them in the face : hey you clean the shit you created in Afghanistan, not us. So you come up with an old idea of the European army as if the lack of the European fast reaction force was the reason you all hid under Biden and Qamile Kamala's skirt. You dont have the courage to speak openly what you think to Americans? If this is true and this is true, then why you call each other allies? Call yourselves dervish of the Americans man! Now "man" is such a huge word.
    (Skenderbeu 1444, 30 August 2021 14:50)

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  3. An EU rapid reaction force? There has only been talk so far on this issue and only talk.
    Macron has been bringing up this creation of an EU army regularly so what does this mean now? It means that NATO is dead as the dodo bird and the EU will have to look after itself.
    Afghanistan has finished off the US and there is no doubt about it. Yes, the US is still militarily a powerful country, well on paper anyway, but it can no longer conduct these wars. It simply cannot fill its depleted numbers in the military and they cannot rely on others to fight for them. Then again, they might organise another attack on US soil to get the public on side but it’s only doomed to failure. Crying wolf does not work after a couple of times.
    The big military budgets are not for the military but for the military complexes and they have wasted so much producing rubbish while the army has had to live on reduced budgets.
    Yes, it will create problems throughout the world. However, it’s like a dangerous but dying animal it lashes out and with every lash it bleeds badly. It’s about 70% gone now.
    (sj, 30 August 2021 13:04)

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