1. Scotland needs its freedom from such capital “U”women if you can call them that.
    (Freedom, 25 January 2021 20:56)

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  2. Wow, ‘smart srb’ when you described Scotland, I almost thought you were writing about Croatia.
    Mir svama
    (Mir, 25 January 2021 19:50)

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  3. Johnson insists that he will say no

    When BG said "No" to Kosovo i Mehotija being stolen from Srbija, that didn't matter, huh??

    Not only Scotland, but Northern Ireland and Wales also....
    History shows that no country in history have sown more discord and trouble than the english.....
    (Watcherovic, 25 January 2021 17:48)

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  4. Yes
    Like i said Scotland will gain independence before Kosovo* ever will. Scotland is not a fake country. It is Scottish land. They didn't outbreed anyone like cockroaches in order to become land grabbers and claim a new country.
    They are a decent nation who held referendums before like normal well behaved humans.
    Their flag has been recognized for centuries. It was not created by the E.U.
    You deserve your freedom from your 350 year old occupier England.
    (Smart Serb, 25 January 2021 08:49)

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