1. (Dan Waller, 29 October 2020 19:23)

    Well dumb, dumb when was the last time you read that a Serb or non-Muslim Australian cut off someone's head?
    Muslims are a problem. They leave their places of birth where Islam is in total control and life is hard. After a period of time in a new country they begin to recreate the very thing they left back home. We have a Greek Orthodox priest attacked in Lyon, France then “teenagers rampaging in a Catholic Church in Vienna.
    One country you say? Well the be header was Chechen, the attacked in Nice was Tunisian while the Viennese rampagers were of Turkish background. The 2015 Paris incident were of Moroccan background.
    In Australia plotters to commit terror were from Lebanon, Syria and Bosnia.
    I’m sorry you have your head up your arse and see the world through rosy coloured glasses where everyone holds hands and sings kumbaya, but it’s not like that. I have no problems with people believing in a religion, but don’t try and force it on someone else, and that is the problem with Islam. Why don’t we have issues with Buddhists, Hindus or Zoroastrians etc? Simply because they don’t try and force their beliefs on others.
    The former Malaysian prime minister, Mahathir Mohamad, said that Muslims "have a right to kill millions of French people". Mahathir only stated what the vast majority of Muslim leaders believe.
    Grow up.
    (sj, 1 November 2020 10:18)

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  2. Our rabid troll is at it again. By branding all immigrants from a particular country as terrorists he is smearing any ethnic group he chooses as being evil. If one were to use his reasoning, one could say that all Serbs and Australians are evil
    (Dan Waller, 29 October 2020 19:23)

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  3. You cant help by laughing at the EU leadership. Long time supporters of "diversity" and its come back to bite them fair and square on the arse.
    There is this long held belief that once these religious fanatics come to live in the west and become mesmerized by beauty of freedom and democracy they will become docile, compliant and fit into the culture of that nation.
    From Europe to Australia to the US and Canada that theory has proven to be wrong.
    Does anyone recall who bombed the Boston marathon? Two young Chechens who received asylum from those nasty Russian persecutors. What goes around comes around.
    (sj, 28 October 2020 11:06)

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  4. Why not, Macron, Merkel and the EU are terrorizing Europe with their love of diversity. Get used to the new norm.
    (RDP B92, 28 October 2020 01:31)

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